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"Meredith! I told you not to tell anyone!" Izzie says. "Especially not her." Izzie says while rolling your eyes. "I didn't tell her! She was already sitting down here." Meredith says. "Whatever, can you just check Dr. Singer?" Izzie asks Meredith. "Why is he in pajamas?" Meredith asks. "I kinda snuck him out from the nursing home.." Izzie says. "Very typical of you." you say while getting up. "Look, just don't tell Alex I'm here." Izzie says. "Don't worry. He's happily moved on from you." you say while walking away.

"I'm sorry about her. She's going through a lot. We were in a plane crash." Meredith says. "All of you?" Izzie says while talking with Meredith. "Yes. But we are all fine." Meredith says. You go to the clinic and sit at the desk. Jo and Alex walk over to you. "Im on your service today Dr. Johnson." Jo says. "Just ask to switch. I can't even do surgery." you say. "It's fine. I'll go help around." Jo says. Derek then walks in. "I got paged?" Derek says. "Not by us." Alex says as he sits next to you in the other chair. Meredith comes over and gets Derek. "Have you heard from your mom?" Alex says. "I don't care about her anymore. Yes she's my mom but she's a piece of shit." you say while looking at the computer screen.

You and Alex talk for a while. Jo comes over and puts her arms around Alex. "Stop showing off. It's disgusting." you say while laughing. Jo kisses Alex on the forehead. Alex has a big smile on his face. The biggest smile you ever seen. Derek is opening the curtains. Alex is looking up and see it's Izzie. "Y/n..." Alex says. "Shit." you mumble. "Yes Alex?" you say. "Is that Izzie?" Alex asks. "Maybe." you say. "Whos Izzie?" Jo asks. "Nobody." Alex says. Alex starts kissing Jo on the lips. "You two wanna make me gag." you say.

Meredith then comes over. "Oh, uh hey Wilson and Alex!" Meredith says nervously. "Hi Dr. Grey." Wilson says. Izzie then starts walking over towards you all and Alex kisses Jo again. "Let's get out of here." Alex whispers to Jo. Alex gets up and grabs Jo hand and they run out the clinic. "Who was that?" Izzie asks. You ignore her. "You know you can at least acknowledge I'm here." Izzie says. "How about you leave? Go. Alex doesn't need you anymore. Or you just gonna steal him back like you always do?" you say with an attitude.

"Glad to see that your still an obnoxious bitch." Izzie says. "Excuse me?" you say while getting up. "Y/n, stand down." Meredith says. "Manipulative controlling bitch." you say to Izzie while sitting back down. "Oh fuck you. You know you love Alex." Izzie says. "1. Alex is like a brother to me. Matter a fact he IS a brother to me. 2. Nobody wants Alex." you say while laughing. "Okay that's enough. Let's go Izzie." Meredith says while grabbing her hand. Meredith and Izzie walk away. 30 minutes later Jo comes back in with her hair looking a mess.

"Jo, fix your hair." you say. Jo fixes her hair and then goes to help out patients. Derek comes over. Can you send someone to take Mr. Singer to CT?" Derek asks. "Yeah." you say. "I'll take him." you also say. "Wilson! Let's go." you say. Jo runs over. "I have to take him to CT." you tell Meredith. "You and Wilson?" Meredith asks. "Hi Dr. Wilson, I'm Izzie." Izzie says while holding her hand out. "Don't talk to her Jo." you say. "Oh, Jo? We are going by first names now?" Izzie asks.

"Jo, start taking Dr. Singer to CT please." you say while looking at Izzie. "Of course Dr. Johnson." Jo says as she unlocks the gurney. You watch as Jo rolls mr. singer out the clinic. "Why would you come back? Why!" you ask izzie. "Stop talking to me like I'm your child y/n. That's the problem with you. You control everything and everyone." Izzie says. "I'm controlling?" you say while laughing. You walk away from them and go to CT area. "So who's Izzie?" Jo says.

"You don't have to worry about her Jo." you say. "Is she important to Alex?" Jo asks. "She was Jo. But trust me, she's leaving soon." you say. "What happened between them?" Jo asks. "You really want to know?" you ask while watching the CT machine. "Yes!" Jo says. "Ask Alex." you say. "But-" jo says but you interrupt her. "Scans are up." you say. "There's nothing there?" Jo says. "That's right. Take these scans to Shepherd and then go to the clinic or ER." you say. You go into the CT room and help Dr. Singer onto the wheelchair.

You get to the clinic where Jo is talking to Izzie. You roll Dr. Singer up there. "I got him." Izzie says. "Stay in a visitors place." you say. You help him back onto the gurney. "Nothings wrong with him. You bought it someone who doesn't need help." you say while signing the chart. Alex then walks in. Jo looks over at Alex. "Excuse me." Jo says as she walks to Alex. "I'm telling you, he fell. Something is wrong with him." Izzie says. "Maybe your just seeing things again." you say.

"Just take him back to wherever he came from. Obviously there's nothing wrong with him." you say while walking away. You go back to the desk and sit down. You watch as Izzie starts grabbing Dr. Singer. You hear a loud thud and see Dr. Singer is on the floor. You get up really fast and run over to them. "What the hell!" you say while helping him up. "I didn't do anything." Izzie says. You sit Dr. Singer up and check his eyes with the light. "Wilson! Page Shepherd again." you say. "Dr. Singer? Can you hear me sir?" you say.

"Excuse me, do you know where you are Mr. Singer?" you say. "Am I at a hospital?" He says. "Yes sir you are!" you say. Derek then comes over. "Perkins is asking for you." Derek says. "Why?" you say. "He said you missed your afternoon appointment." Derek says. You look at the watch on your wrist to see it's 5. "How long have I been here!" you say annoyed. "Anyways, Dr. Singer fell and he has his memory back." you say while getting up and helping Singer up. "I got this y/n, go." Derek says. You go walk to the conference room where Perkins is.

"What?" you say while sitting down. "How's your day been?" Perkins asks. "Horrible. There's this girl my best friend dated. She almost ruined our friendship and now she's back at the hospital. But I hope she's leaving." you say. "What exactly did she do?" Perkins ask. You tell Perkins the whole story between you and Izzie. "Damn." Perkins says. "I have a goal for you." Perkins says. "You have to move 2 things into Arizona's house." Perkins says. "Okay. Then I can get cleared?" you say.

"Maybe." Perkins says. You go out the conference room. Alex is waiting for you. "What did you tell Jo?" Alex says to you. "Nothing why?" you say. "Why does she know about Izzie?" Alex asks you. "I never told her anything about Izzie Alex." you say. "I told her to ask you about Izzie. "Well now she's ignoring me." Alex says. Meredith comes around the corner quietly. "IM NOT GOING AROUND TELLING PEOPLE HOW YOU KNOCKED YOUR MOM OUT!" Alex says while yelling at you. You look Alex dead in the face about to start crying. Alex knows he messed up but doesn't care. He stomps off the other way. You look as Alex stomps away. Meredith runs over to you and hugs you.

You start bursting out crying on Meredith's shoulder. "It's okay y/n, come on." Meredith says. "She hit me first mer." you say while still crying. "It's okay, come on." Meredith says. You both walk to the residents lounge. You sit on the bench and Meredith sits next to you. "I'm going to jail aren't I?" you say while crying. "It was self defense y/n, your not going to jail." Meredith says. "I'm just stuck. I'm stuck in this one place Mer. Everyone is moving forward and every step I take it's 5 steps back." you say while crying. "Then push to fight forward." Meredith says. "I have to get Zola, if you need me. Text me." Meredith says while leaving.

You get yourself together. You grab your bag and keys and drive to the house. You realize Alex isn't there and Cristina and Owen are laughing. You go upstairs and grab the biggest suitcase you can out of your closet. You start throwing clothes into the suitcase. You fit as much clothes as you can but still leaving some behind. You go into the bathroom and pack your hygienic things in your bookbag. You close and lock your door with a key you had made. You put the key in your bag and go downstairs. You walk out to your car and throw your suitcase into the backseat.

You pull out the driveway and drive to Arizona's house. You grab your suitcase from the backseat. Your still crying while walking up to the front door of Arizona's. You knock on the door. Arizona opens the door and sees you crying. "Can I stay here?" you say while crying. Arizona walks out the front door and hugs you tightly. "Of course." She says. "Sofia is sleeping." Arizona says while whispering. You quietly step into the house and roll your suitcase in. "Are you okay?" Arizona says. "I'll um, tell you later." you say. Arizona nods her head. You pick up the suitcase and take it up stairs into Arizona's room. You put your suitcase in the corner of the room.

You take your shoes and jacket off and plop on the bed. After 5 minutes you fall asleep quickly. Arizona comes into the room and kisses you on the forehead and then lays next to you and fall asleep.

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