Dinner Date

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The next day you wake up to a text message from Arizona. "Would you like to go on a dinner date with me y/n?" The text message says. You rub your eyes to make sure you see what your seeing. You then look at your phone. "Omg. It's real!" you say as you jump up. You go out into the hall to see Alex and Izzie making out. "Get a room." You say. You realize it's your day off so you decide to go to the mall. While everyone leaves you get in the shower. You start singing in the shower. You wash your hair and comb it out in the shower. You keep singing. After you use all the hot water you get out and wrap a towel around you. You look in the mirror and apply leave in conditioner. Once you do that you go to your room and put on your clothes.

(Your outfit 👇🏾👇🏾)

You blow dry your hair so it's nice and curly

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You blow dry your hair so it's nice and curly. You go downstairs and starts calling a cab. Once you get in you tell them to take you to the mall. Once you get to the mall you put your little bookbag on and start walking around. You go to a dress store and look for a dress. While looking around you hear a Big Bang. "What was that?" you ask the person right next to you. Another Big Bang. The whole mall starts to shake and you fall on the floor and cut your face but you didn't notice. You then start to hear people screaming. You put the dress in your little bookbag and leave the money on the counter. You run to see what it was. You see people coughing and people with burns on their body. You go to this lady who's laying on the floor to check their pulse. You start doing CPR. "SOMEONE CALL 911!" you yell.

You then see that they are bleeding from their head. You check their pulse again. It's there but low and unsteady. You look for something to try and stop the bleeding on their head. You start applying pressure and the bleeding stops. A paramedic then comes over. You help them lift the lady up. You watch as they take her away and then you run to help other people. You find another badly injured person with a metal bar going through their left leg. You rip a piece of your pants leg off and wrap it around the bar. Another paramedic comes over but you ride in the back of the ambulance with this patient. "What's your name sir?" you ask them. "Jayden Adams..." the patient says but then they start coding. You then start doing CPR.

You then arrive at the hospital. "Johnson?" Bailey says while she opens the doors. "Jayden Adams, looks about mid 20s, has a extremely painful trauma." you say while helping unload him. "Your bleeding y/n!" Bailey says as she helps you down off the ambulance. "Go sit in an ER bed." Bailey says to you. "Bailey I'm fine." you tell her. "Fine. Go sit in the clinic then. A intern will do your sutures." Bailey says. "Oh no. An intern is not touching my face. Page an plastics attending." You say while walking to the clinic. You then sit in a clinic bed and wait. An intern then walks over. "Hello! My name is Dr. Grey. Dr. Sloan couldn't make it down here so I will be doing your sutures!" Lexie says. "On my face? You want to do sutures on my face?" you say. "Don't worry. I'm very good!" Lexie says. "Hmm. Fine." you say as you sit up.

"So what happened out there?" Lexie asks. "Some type of bomb or something. A lot of burn victims." you say. "Aww that's sad." Lexie says while numbing your wound. "Are you sure your good?" you ask Lexie. "Yes!" Lexie says with a smile. "Okay then.." you say. "Do you work here?" Lexie asks. "Yep. First year resident." you say. "So do you know M-Meredith grey?" Lexie asks. "Yeah. She's my roommate." you tell Lexie. "Oh wow. That's really cool." Lexie says while slowly starting to do your stitches. "Are you guys like related?" you ask Lexie. "She's my half sister. So I guess. We have the same dad." Lexie starts to say. "So have you met her yet?" you ask Lexie. "No. Well yes. But no." Lexie says as she finishes her last stitch. "Thanks." you say as you get up.

"No problem!" Lexie says as she gets up and walks away. You then go walk to the residents lounge. You go in the bathroom and look at the stitches. You then cover them back up. Right when your about to leave Alex walks in. "What happened to you y/n?" Alex says. "Why do you care?" you say while rolling your eyes. Alex then grabs your arm. "I'm sorry y/n. I didn't mean what I said. I need my best friend. Please y/n.." Alex says. You look in Alex eyes and it seems like he's about to cry. "Please.." Alex says as he voice breaks. You then go closer to Alex and hug him. "It's okay Alex." you say while hugging him. You then push off of him. "I thought you were off today." Alex says. Before you can start explaining Alex gets paged to get labs. "Can you walk and talk?" Alex asks. You grab your bookbag and starts walking with Alex.

"I was at the mall cause I was off today and then that's when it was a loud bang. Like an explosion." you say while walking. "I was looking for a dress to go on a date with Arizona and then the second bang made the mall shake. I then fell and cut my head." you keep saying while walking. You keep explaining everything in more detail as you and Alex walk to get labs. "I'm going to go see Arizona." you tell Alex. You go to the elevator then go to the peds floor.

You see Arizona and you run over and hug her. "Hello y/n." Arizona says while she hugs you back. "I almost died today." you say to Arizona while being dramatic. Arizona then looks at your face and sees the stitches and bandaid. "Oh god. Are you okay?" Arizona asks. "Yea. I hit my head." you tell Arizona. "I have to go back to the house." you tell Arizona. "I'll pick you up a 8." Arizona says. You then smile and walks off the floor. You then call a cab and get them to take you home. You then take a nap till about 5.

At 5 you wake up and go take a shower. After you get out the shower you dry your hair. You then put on your black dress and your clear heels.

(Your outfit)

You then grab your purse and put your phone in it

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You then grab your purse and put your phone in it. You go downstairs to sit on the porch and wait for Arizona when Alex, Meredith, and Cristina get to the front porch. "Ooo y/n looking like she going on a date." Cristina says. You can tell Cristina is very drunk. You laugh as they walk into the house but Alex sits next to you on the swinging chair. "If she hurts you, you call me or Cristina." Alex says. You give him a hug and then Arizona pulls up. "Bye Alex." you say as you get you get up and walk to Arizona's car. You get in then y'all drive to a fancy restaurant.

You and Arizona get to the restaurant and eat. "Would you like me to buy you dessert Arizona?" you ask after you finish eating. "Nope. Not from here." Arizona says. "From where?" you ask while laughing. Arizona then stares at you. You then finally realize what she's taking about. "Ohhhh. Let's go to your place then." you say while getting up. You then leave the money on the table and grab Arizona's hand. Y'all get to the car and Arizona starts driving her to house.

Y'all then get into her house. Right when Arizona closes the door you start taking your heels off and kissing Arizona. Arizona pushes you off. "Not here. Bedroom." Arizona says while she grabs your hand and runs up the stairs. Once y'all get in the bedroom y'all start doing it. If you know you know.

After y'all finish Arizona and you fall asleep.

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