Loves not real.

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A week later.

You wake up to it sounds like going through your drawers. You sit up and rub your eyes. "Oh sorry. I just needed a pair of undies and bra." Sadie says while wearing a towel. "Um top middle drawer." you say while sitting up. "Thanks love." Sadie says while taking a pair. Sadie then walks out and goes back to the bathroom. You then get up. You take a shower.

After you finish you forget that your hair is red. You admire yourself in the mirror for a few minutes. You then tie your hair up into a messy curly bun. You put on your tshirt and shorts. You grab your keys and head downstairs. You see Meredith trying to do Zola's hair. "Meredith.." what the hell are you doing?" you ask. "Her hair. Does it look good?" Meredith asks. You look at Zola to see hair coming all out the ponytail. "No ma'am." you say. You undo her ponytail. You put grease in the back of her hair and slick it up.

"Does Derek know zolas here?" you ask while tying Zola's hair up. "No.. I don't have time this morning." Meredith says. "Okay, well how about I enroll Zola in the daycare?" you say while finishing tying her hair up. "Really?" Meredith says. "Yep. I'll fill out y'all information!" you say while picking Zola up. "Thank you so much y/n. Let's go." Meredith says. You put your keys in your pocket and pick up Zola. You grab her diaper bag on the way out. You then sit in the backseat with Zola while Meredith drives to the hospital.

You and Meredith then walk through the double doors to see Derek standing at the end of the hallway. "Bye baby girl." Meredith says while squeezing Zola cheeks. Meredith turns around to see Derek standing there. "I'm going to walk this way." Meredith says while grabbing your shoulder. You start walking to the daycare center. You watch as Meredith keeps going past the center. You go up to the daycare director. "Hello. I'm here to enroll my baby niece." you say. "Name?" Daycare director says. "Zola Limbani." you say. "Okay. Parents names?" Daycare director says. "Mom is Meredith Grey, dad is Derek Shepherd, aunts are Y/n Johnson, Lexie Grey, Cristina Yang." you say. "Great. We are open 24/7." The daycare director says. You then pinch Zola's cheeks. You hand Zola to the director and watch as they walk in the daycare.

You then turn around to see Derek staring at you. "I'm late." you say as you quickly run past Derek. "Y/n!" Derek yells. You start running faster to the lounge. You change into your scrubs. You go do rounds and then chill for the rest of the day because it's a slow day. You then go to the daycare to see Zola. You walk in and sit on the beanbag while Zola crawls around. Next thing you know Derek walks in. "Uh oh." you mumble. Derek then picks Zola up and sits next to you. "How long have y'all had Zola?" Derek asks. "Just since yesterday." you say. "Oh okay." Derek says. He then hands you Zola and walks out. Zola then throws up on you.

You put Zola on the floor. You then walk out the daycare and go into the bathroom. You take off your scrub top and wet it in the sink. "Damn it!" you say while trying to get it out. Someone then comes out the stalls. Of course it's Sadie. "Need help mate?" Sadie says. She then stands behind you and grabs your arms from behind you. She motions your arms so you scrub your shirt. You then get major butterflies in your stomach. "Like this." Sadie says. You then turn around and lock eyes with Sadie.

You feel Sadie get closer to your face. Sadie then moves even closer. She lets go of your arms and grab your waist. She then kisses you. You kiss her back. Sadie then gets a paged. She winks at you as she walks out the bathroom. You start freaking out. You pull your phone out your pocket. You then text your friends.

Y/n has added Lexie to Friends.

"Guys!" you text.

"What?" Everyone texts.

"Sadie kissed me!" you text.

"Meet in old guys room." Meredith texts.

"Okay." you text. You then grab your scrub top. You go grab a different one and run to old guys room. You then see Cristina and Meredith already there. You start telling them about what happened when Lexie walks in. "So i was in the bathroom, she pushed herself against me and then we turned around and kissed!" you say. "Y/n, don't fall for Sadie, she's bad news." Meredith says. "Why mer? What are you not telling me?" you say. "She's behind. I heard she's gonna get kicked out the program." Meredith says. "I can't believe you would say that." you say while you grab your lunch and stomp out. You pull out your phone to text Sadie. "It says blocked."

"Yo, what the hell?" you say. You then walk to find the new interns. "Where's Sadie?" you ask them. "She just quit." they say. "Bro." you say while running the other direction. You see Sadie and Meredith talking. It looks like their arguing. You read their lips and then you watch as Sadie walks off. You then run up to Meredith. "What the hell is your problem!" you say while pushing Meredith. Cristina then runs over and puts herself between the both of us. "DO YOU NOT WANT ME TO BE HAPPY!" you yell. "Go walk y/n." Cristina says. You put your hands on your head and walk down the hall.

"She's gonna beat your ass." Cristina says while laughing.

You then leave work early and go back to the house. You then text Meredith.

"I'm sorry." you text.

"I told you she's not worth it y/n. I just couldn't watch you get hurt again." Meredith texts.

"Thanks for looking out for me. Love you mer." you text.

You then lay in your bed and watch Netflix on your Tv. You then fall asleep with the TV on.

After Sadie leaves nothing changes. You do your same routine for the rest of your second year. You and your friends are now a 3rd year resident when everyone goes upside down.

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