Boards. (1/2)

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a month later. Meredith and the baby are fine. You still are staying with Alex but plan to move back in with Arizona after the boards. It's the morning of the boards and everyone stayed at Alex's.

Your fast asleep in your old room. The door then bursts open. "Get your ass up! We got to get to the airport." Alex says. "I'm tired Alex." you say. Alex grabs the water bottle in the windowsill and opens it. He pours the water on your face. You jump up immediately. "WHAT THE FUCK ALEX!" you say. "Get up. We got to get to the hospital by 9." Alex says.

You get up and put on something comfortable. You pack up your jumpsuit and heels in your suitcase. You also just pack some random clothes. You close your suitcase. You put on your crocs and grab your phone and headphones. You roll your suitcase into the hallway. You carry your suitcase downstairs. You go to your car and put the suitcase in it. You go back in the house. Jackson and April are rolling their suitcases down the stairs. You go fill up your coffee cup. "Are we taking my car?" you say. "Yeah." Alex says running down the stairs.

Cristina comes down behind him. You all get to your car. Everyone puts their suitcase in the trunk. You get in the drivers seat and everyone jumps in the car. You then drive to the hospital. You park your car and everyone gets out. You hand everyone their suitcase. After you get all the suitcases out you all walk to the ER where the bus is gonna take you to the airport. You and Alex walk together. Alex goes and hugs Jo and kisses her. "Come on y/n." Alex says. "I'm waiting to see if Arizona comes..." you say. "Ima go check the peds floor. I'll be back." you say. You leave your suitcase with Alex and run to the Peds floor.

"Is Robbins here?" you ask the nurse. "She hasn't came in yet sorry." The nurse says. "Oh... it's fine." you say. You start walking back to the ER. "She's not here." you tell Alex. "It's okay y/n. You can just video call her." Alex says. Bailey then comes in. "Karev and Johnson, why aren't your asses on the bus?" Bailey says. "Sorry bailey." Alex says. "Any chance you guys seen Grey?" Bailey says. "I'll go find her!" you say while running off really quickly. You go to the daycare to see if Meredith is there. You see Derek, Meredith, baby Bailey, and Zola. "Hi guys." you say. Zola runs up to you. You hug Zola. "Mer, Bailey asked me to get you." you say. "But Zola is sick and I just had a baby." Meredith says. "Derek is a doctor Meredith." you say.

"Let's go Meredith before bailey kicks both of our asses." you say. "Bye Derek!" you say while grabbing Meredith's arm. You and Meredith walk together to the ER. "Have you seen Arizona?" you ask Meredith. "Not since yesterday." Meredith says. Meredith turns around. "Right there y/n!" Meredith says. You turn around to see Arizona smiling. You let go of Meredith's hand and walk over to Arizona. "You have your boards!" Arizona says happily crying. "I know." you say starting to cry. "Whatever happens, I will always love you." Arizona says. You hug Arizona tightly. "You and me forever." you say. "Forever." Arizona says. You give Arizona a kiss.

"Let's go Johnson!" Bailey yells. "I have to go.. I'll call you when I get to the hotel!" you tell Arizona while crying. You let go of Arizona's hands and run up to Meredith. You both walk outside and are the last people to get on the bus. You sit in the back near the window away from everyone. You look out the window as the bus starts backing up. You look out the back emergency door to see everyone waving. 30 minutes later you guys arrive to the airport.

Everyone gets their suitcase and walk to the private plane. You get on the airplane and carry your suitcase with you. You put it in the overhead bin and sit in the back by yourself. You pull out your headphones and start playing music. The plane then starts moving. You lay your head back and the airplane takes off. During the flight nothing happens. You look out the window the whole time listening to music and humming. After about 2 hours you guys get there.

You grab your suitcase and get off the plane. You all get into a second bus to the hotel. Once you guys finally get there you go to the lobby. There's a whole bunch of doctors and people. You all go to the seating area. "Let's go get our packets." Jackson says. You all get up execpt for Meredith. "Cristina and y/n.." Meredith says. "What's up Meredith?" Cristina says. "Zola is sick." Meredith says. "We know." you say.

"Zola has a stomach bug." Meredith says. "Okay???" Cristina says. Meredith gets up really quickly and throws up in the trash can. "Oh my gosh." you say. "I'll go get your packet." you tell Meredith and Cristina. You go and get all 3 of y'all's packets. "Let's go to our room." you say. You roll all 3 of y'all's suitcases to the elevator and to you guys room. "Okay, so since Meredith is sick. Alex will be staying with Jackson, April will be by herself, me and Cristina in a room, and Meredith in her bubble." you say.

You push Meredith's suitcase in her room and roll yours and Cristina's into you guys room. You sit on the bed for a while and just chill on your phone. You sit on the bed until it gets night time. You get up and go on the balcony and look at the pretty view. You enjoy it for a while until you get hungry. You knock on Meredith's door. "Meredith!" you say. "Yes??" Meredith says. "I'm going downstairs to get some food. Do you want anything?" you ask. "Just soup." Meredith says. "Okay, I'll be back in 30 minutes." you say. You put your hotel keycard in your pocket and go the hotels bar.

You go up to the bar. "Just a soup and a club sandwich." you say while pulling out your wallet. Someone then walks up next to you. Very tall man. "What's your name?" he says. "None of your damn business." you say. "Feisty. Just how I like em." the man says. "Let me buy you a drink and let's get to know eachother." The man says. "I'm fine." you say. "Well you wanna take us to the bedroom?" the man says with a smirk on his face. "What the hell is your problem?" you say. "Your very feisty and pretty." he says. "I know I'm pretty. But leave me alone." you say.

The man touches your arm and you jerk away from him. "Dont fucking touch me!" you say. "Calm down babe." he says. The waiter then comes over and hands you a bag with the food in it. "Where you going with that? Need a partner?" he says. "Amigo, si no me dejas en paz te mataré." (Dude, if you don't leave me alone I will kill you.) you say. "Ehhh. You speak Spanish. Sexy." The dude says. On the other side of the bar April is punching someone and there's a lot of chaos. The dude touches you again. You punch him dead in the nose which makes him fall back. "I said leave me alone bitch." you say while stepping over him. You walk back up to the rooms. You put a mask Cristina had bought and open the door leading to Meredith's room.

You hand her, her soup. "Thank you y/n." Meredith says sickly. "Feel better Mer. We have boards tomorrow..." you say. "No way! I didn't know." Meredith says sarcastically. You go back into your section of the room. You sit on the balcony and eat half of your sandwich. You go back in the main room to see Cristina already asleep. You climb in your bed and fall asleep as well.

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