Shes gone.

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You wake up the next day. You look on the floor to see if Alex is there but he isn't. You get up. You look at the time and realize your late. You grab a white tshirt and put it on. You put on your scrub pants and grab your keys. You the run downstairs and jump in your car. You speed to the hospital. You run down the hallway when you turn your head and look in the conference room.

You stop to see Meredith, Richard, Owen, and Derek in there. You try to evesdrop when the chief turns around and see you. He motions for you to come in. "Yes sir?" you ask. "Did you know about this situation with Meredith?" Richard asks. "No sir. I found out last night." you say. "Last night?" Richard says. "Yes sir." you say. "Come back here after rounds." Richard says. "Yes sir." you say as you walk out. You then run to the residents lounge and put your scrub top on. You grab your white coat and sprint to rounds.

"Your late!" Bailey yells. "Sorry." you say while standing in the back. "Kepner, Karev, and Johnson are on peds today. Take your intern with you." Bailey says. You then catch up with April and Alex. "Peds? There's already a new attending?" you say. "Apparently. Their name is Stark." April says. "Let's go Jo!" you yell. Jo then runs up to you and walks next to you. "We are on peds today." you say. "Cool." Jo says. You then arrive at the peds floor. "Hello." Stark says in an annoying voice. "Oh hell no." you mumble and then Jo and April start snickering. "Something funny?" Stark asks. "My fault. My fault." you say while covering your mouth trying not to laugh.

"Who said that?" Stark asks. You raise your hand. "Just for that, your on pre and post op." Stark says. "Whatever." you say. He then puts a stack of charts in your hands. "Everyone else follow me." Stark says. Everyone follows Stark execpt for you and Jo. You set the charts on the desk. You then mock Stark. Jo starts laughing. "Okay let's do this." you say. You hand half of the charts to Jo and you check on Starks patients. After you finish half you get a page. "I have to go do something. Can you finish the last few patients?" you ask Jo. "Yeah." Jo says. You hand her the last charts and then walk to the conference office.

"Take a seat." Richard says. You pull the chair on and sit down. "What exactly do you know?" Richard says. "Last night I got a call from Alex, but Owen was on the phone. He told me what Alex told him." you say. "I didn't think I had the right to tell Derek, so I guess Owen told him." you say. "Go get Karev." Richard says. You get up to see Meredith standing in the hallway. "Meredith, what the hell did you do?" you say. "Tell Alex to be out my house by the end of the day." Meredith says as she walks back in. You then go find Alex. "The chief wants to see you in the conference room. Meredith also said get your things out by the end of the day." you tell Alex.

You then go find Cristina. "Cristina!" you say. "What did Meredith do?" Cristina asks. "She messed with Dereks Alzheimer's trial." you say. "No way!" Cristina says. You then look at Cristina knowing she looks weird. "What's wrong with you?" you ask. "Nothing.." Cristina says. "Your boobs are bigger. You also look like your about to barf." you say. "Oh my god, your pregnant Cristina!" you say. "Is it Owens? Are you keeping it?" you ask. "Yes and I can't. I don't want to be a mom." Cristina says. "I'll be there with you once you, ya know." you say. "Okay ." Cristina says. You get paged and start running the PEDS floor.

You then look for Stark. "Why did you leave an intern to do my post op?" Stark says. " I had to do something with the chief." you say. "I don't care. You don't leave an intern to do your work." Stark says. "Excuse me?" you say. "Your off my service. Goodbye." Stark says. "Bye then." you say with an attitude. You go to the cafeteria to see April and Jackson just sitting there. "What happened with Meredith?" Jackson asks you. "She messed with shepherds clinical trial." you say. "Damn." Jackson says.

"Also, Stark is an a*shole." you say while getting up. You then go find Bailey. "Dr. Bailey." you say. "Um. Dr. Stark removed me off his service, temporarily I think." you say. "You think?" Bailey says. You nod. "Go to the clinic then. Take your intern." Bailey says. You grab your phone and look at pictures. You keep walking not paying attention. You walk into the elevator and stand in the back. "Hold the elevator!" a voice says. You then stop the elevator with your foot and Sadie walks in.

"How you like it so far?" you ask Sadie while still going to the back. "It's alright." Sadie says. "That's good." you say. You and Sadie then make eye contact. The elevator dings and the doors open. "Bye." Sadie says as she walks away. You then text Meredith and Cristina.

"Bro mer, your friend makes me get butterflies in my stomach 😫." you text.

"Don't fall for her y/n." Meredith and Cristina text at the same time.

"Why not?" you say.

"Just don't." Meredith says.

"I got to go." Meredith says.

You put your phone away and walk into the clinic. You sit at the nurses station and watch as everyone helps someone. At about 8 you start cleaning up the clinic. You then lock up the doors and walk to find Bailey. You give her the keys then walk to the residents lounge. On the way there you bump into someone carrying blood. "Oh my, I'm sorry." you say as the blood splats everywhere. "It's fine. I'll get some more." the person says as they walk away.

You continue walking to the residents lounge. You walk in and take off your white coat full with blood. Jackson and Lexie then look at you. "Oh my god, are you okay?" they say while running towards you. You start laughing while holding your hands up. You then start crying. "What the hell?" Jackson says. "She's gone isn't she.." you say while crying. "I-I would hug you but um." Lexie says. You sit down and take of your scrubs covered in.

Meanwhile, they had to cancel Dereks trial and Derek won't talk to Meredith. Meredith gets a call from Janet that they can have temporary custody over Zola. Meredith then takes Zola home to realize Alex moves our like she said and Dereks clothes aren't there.

Back to you.

"I don't have an extra shirt." you say while laughing. You keep your sports bra on. You grab your bag and keys. "Y'all need a ride?" you say. Jackson and Lexie then grab their stuff and you all walk to your car. Your about to pull off when you hear a fimilar voice. "You guys going back to the house?" Sadie says running towards the car. You then freeze. "Yeah we are." Lexie says finishing your words. "May I get a ride?" Sadie says. "Of course." you say. Sadie jumps in the backseat and you all drive back to the house. You park the car and everyone gets out. You all walk through the door.

Meredith then walks down the stairs. "Hey mer." Everyone says. "I thought you guys were Derek." Meredith says. You then hear crying. "Is that a baby I hear?" you say. "Yes. So I need y'all to be quiet." Meredith says. You hang your bag up and walk upstairs. You look in Meredith's room to see the baby laying down. "Awww!" you say happily. "Shut up. I just got her down." Meredith says. "Where are your clothes?" Meredith asks. "Blood." you say. "I'll be quiet." you say. You go check on Alex to see drawers open and none of his clothes there.

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