Independent Woman

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You wake up the next day after Arizona officially ended things with you. You get up and look at yourself in the mirror. "F*ck Arizona. I'm an independent women." you say while pointing to yourself in the mirror. You see the blanket Arizona gave you. You throw it in the back of your closet and the teddy bear. You then pick out some shorts and a shirt. You take your hair out the curly bun. You then part your hair down the middle. You then dutch braid both sides.

You put on your crocs. You grab an extra scrunchie and put it in your bag. You then grab your bag and walk downstairs to see Alex and Jo. "Morning ." you say while starting your coffee pot. "Oh. Um. Morning." Jo says. You finish your coffee and put it in your bottle. "See you later Alex." you say. Jo then pushes Alex. "You DIDNT tell me you live with Johnson!" Jo yells. Next thing you know Derek and Meredith walk downstairs. "Morning ." They both say. "Goodmorning Dr. Grey and Dr. Shepherd." Jo says. Derek and Meredith then leave the room. "What the hell!" Jo says.

You then get in your car and turn your music all the way up. You put the convertible down and start driving really fast. You arrive to the hospital so you park and close your convertible. You shut the door and walk into the hospital. You then go to the residents lounge and change into scrubs. You see the group of interns waiting outside of the door. You put on your white coat. "Who's my intern for today?" you say while walking out the door. "I am!" Jo says. You look at Joe and start laughing. "Okay, let's go." you say. You and Jo then walk to Bailey for rounds. "Okay, y/n. This patient is very important.. if you don't think you can be on this case let me know now." Bailey says. "I should be fine." you say. You, bailey, and jo then walk into the patient room. "Mary.." you say low. "Wilson present." Bailey says. "Mary Portman, here for a colostomy bag removal." Jo says. "Couldn't get the surgery it last time because of?" Jo says. "The shooting." you say. "She missed her surgery because of the shooting." you say.

"Dr. Wilson and Johnson will take your labs before I take you to surgery." Bailey says. Bailey then walks out. You then draw some of Mary's blood. You put it in a tube and hand it to Jo. "Take these to labs and wait for them." you say. Jo then leaves. "How are you doing Mary?" you ask. "Fine." Mary says. "That's good." you say.

Jo's POV:

Jo is waiting for the labs when Stephanie walks up. "Dude, did you know there was a shooting here?" Jo tells Stephanie. "I think Dr. Johnson was in the shooting." Jo says. "That's why she's so badass." Jo says while grabbing the labs. "I got to go. Bye steph." Jo says as she walks away.

Your POV:

You and Mary are just talking when the OR staff walk in. "Time for surgery Mary." you say while standing up. You put the hairnet on Mary's head. "Bye Dr. Johnson." Mary says. They roll her out of the room onto the OR floor. "Let's go. We are going to scrub in." you tell Jo. You and Jo walk up to the OR floor and put your scrub caps and gowns on. Y'all walk to OR 1 and start scrubbing in. You then walk into the OR and put gloves on. You then start helping Bailey with the surgery while Jo holds the suction.

After a hour you finally finish surgery. "Okay. Johnson, are you on call?" Bailey asks. "No ma'am." You say. "Well you are now, watch Mary overnight please. Make sure nothing changes." Bailey says. You take your gown and gloves off. You then start rolling Mary to an recovery room. Her husband then sits in the chair next to her and holds her hand until she wakes up. "Page me if her stats change. I'm going to get coffee." you tell Jo. You then walk to the residents lounge. You drop your pager so you pick it up. You look at the end of the hallway to see Arizona walking towards you. You keep walking down the hall to the residents lounge.

You get in the residents lounge. You grab a coffee mug from your cubby and throw it at the wall. Alex then walks in while the mug shatters. "What's wrong with you?" Alex says. You start crying. "She broke up with me Alex." you say while sitting down crying. "She what?" Alex says. You then start crying even more. Alex then wraps his arms around you and hugs you. You then get a page. You get up and wipe your face. "I have to go." you say while grabbing your jacket. You then run to Mary's room. "She's coding!" Jo says. "Page Bailey!" you say.

Alex POV:

Alex remembers what you said and he goes to find Arizona. He sees Arizona and then pulls her arm
Into an empty room. "Why would you break up with y/n?" Alex asks. "Frankly, it's none of your business." Arizona says while turning around. Alex grabs her arm. "Frankly, it is my business. Y/n is my best friend. I'm tired of her getting hurt!" Alex yells. "Well tell her to stop not including me." Arizona says as she walks out.

Back to your POV:

"Charge paddles to 200!" you yell. "Clear!" you say. "Nothing." Jo says. "Charge again!" you yell. "Clear!" you say. "We have sinus brady." A nurse says. "We have to intubate her." you say. They then lay the bed flat. You put a tube down her throat trying to intubate her. "Got it." you say while taking the light out. You then put up the machine to help her breathe. "You can go home Wilson. I got this." you say. "Also, don't hurt Alex. He really likes you." you say. You then walk out into the hallway and sit in the nurses desk chair.

You then fall asleep in the chair. You jump up after hearing the words code blue. You realize it's not Mary's room. You stay awake for the rest of the night to make sure Mary's stats don't change. You then go on your phone and look at the messages from your friends.

"Guys! Dereks starting a clinical trial!" Meredith texts.

"For real?" Cristina says.

"Yeah. For Alzheimers!" Meredith texts back.

"That's cool Mer. Are you gonna be in it?" you text.

"Probably." Meredith texts.

"That'll probably help you win Chief resident!" you text.

"I have to go. Bye." you say.

You then turn your phone off and put it in your back pocket. You then see Bailey walk in. "She coded last night and I had to intubate her. Should I run more test?" you ask. "No. Um. You go take a nap. I'll run the tests." Bailey says. You then get up and go to the residents lounge. You take off your white coat and ball it up like a pillow. You then lay your head on it and fall asleep.

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