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Jamir Reign

Cellie's mother wasn't doing well at all. She had been on bed rest for a while now and barely wanted to eat.

"Mom, how do you feel?" Cellie sat by her and rubbed her hair.

Her mother just shook her head because it was hard for her to get her words out.

"You want some space?" I asked Ms. Meadows and she nodded her head. Cellie got up and left the room with me, closing the door.

"I think her time is coming..." She sighed. "I'm trying to stay strong but it's hard..."

"I know..." I pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead.

"I just don't wanna lose my mom." She shook her head. "But, I don't wanna be selfish either. I think Ima just have to let her go."

Hearing these words coming out of Cellie's mouth was crazy. I knew exactly what she was going through. It hurts to see the woman who birthed you die.

"Just give me a minute..." Cellie walked back into the room and closed the door.

Cellie Meadows

"Mom," I sniffed as she looked up at me. "I love you so much and you know this. You have seen me be successful throughout my entire life and you were there for me every step of the way. I appreciate that so much. Although I don't want you to go, I don't want you to suffer. I know you're holding on for me but, you don't have to hold on."

A tear dropped from her eye as she nodded.

"I—" She took some deep breaths and shook her head. "I-I love you."

I gave her a hug and a kiss. I left the room and tended back to Jamir.

"I think everything's going to be okay." I cracked a smile and blinked a few times so no tears could come out.

"Just know, I got you." Jamir looked at me and I nodded. When I first told Darius, he didn't give a single fuck. Didn't even offer to come with me to see how's my Mom doing but Jamir offered it off the bat. I really love this man...

I heard the phone ringing in my Mom's room and went in to go answer it. It stopped after one ring. I looked over to my Mom to see she was completely still. I pulled the covers over her and she didn't flinch or open her eyes.

"Mom?" I looked at her and just knew, it was over... "Jamir!"

Jamir ran in and saw my mom and just looked blank. He tear ran down in his cheek. I know this was reminding him of his mom and his childhood.

"Man...I'm sorry Cellie. I'm really sorry..."

I couldn't cry because all my tears were taken from the months of me crying.

"It's okay. Thank you for being here." I smiled.

Bavana Brown (Boop)

"Girl, so why didn't you tell us you were pregnant?" Stacy poured me a mimosa and handed it to me.

"Girl, I didn't want y'all to judge me! But I see that y'all are cool. I fuck with y'all." I sipped to that shit. "How's the club?"

"Girl, the club is the club." Jane laughed. "I'm glad we can sit back and relax here cause I'm sick of that damn club. BUT, it pays!"

"Girl, you ain't never lied!" Stacy laughed. "So when we going to see the baby?"

"Girl, Salana with her Daddy right now. If i would've known y'all wanted to see her I would've brought her."

Stacy and Jane invited me over to catch up since I haven't talked to them since I left the club. I didn't even know they fucked with me like that.

"Girl, of course we wanna see her!" Jane giggled. "What made you decide that name?"

"Well, I am Ethiopian." I smiled. "And I wanted to give her an Ethiopian name."

"Okay girl, I see you." Stacy sipped her drink. "It's a real pretty name and it begins with S, period!"

"Should've named it something with a J." Jane rolled her eyes, playfully.

"Hell nah, I heard about yall J's." I laughed.

"Girl, what you heard because we fine." Jane scrunched her face up.

"Girl no the hell y'all not! First of all, one of my close friends, Jamir, is a big ass hoe and I used to be on his dick." I laughed from embarrassment.

"Girl, he must look good if you were on his dick." Stacy raised a brow. "What he look like?"

"He got a damn girlfriend, I don't need to get in trouble!"

"So? We can still see a picture of the dude." Jane insisted. She wasn't wrong so I took out my phone and showed them a photo of Jamir.

"He is FINE!" Stacy took the phone to look at him some more.

"I see why you liked him. He real cute." Jane added.

"Y'all, I'm over him. Plus, he rejected me for years talkin bout he only sees me as a damn friend BUT I'm okay with that because he is a great friend to me."

"Girl, I'd definitely give him a baby if he ain't have a girlfriend." She handed the phone back.

"Uh uh, don't be talking about my friend like that." I laughed. "Only one that is single is my friend Tee. His big ass, lemme show y'all a pic of his goofy ass." I showed them a picture of Tee and they laughed.

"He not ugly, I like me a little big lookin' dude." Jane shrugged.

"I'll stick with Jamir. If him and his girl don't work out, CALL ME." Stacy laughed.

"Jamir is stuck on his girlfriend. He ain't ever leaving her side." I shook my head. "I love it for him though because he been through so damn much."

"Awe, poor baby." Jane sighed. "You got any other friends that look good?"

"Girl, my brother Nas but he got a girl too."

"Brother?" Stacy raised a brow. "I thought you were an only child?"

"He ain't my blood brother but he treats me as such." I pulled up a picture and they both fell inlove.

"He is so fucking fine. Look at his little smile. He a pretty boy, huh?" Stacy said.

"He is my brother and I ain't making any comments on him. He is off limits." I shook my head.

Man, I shouldn't have showed these bitches shit. They all on my friends dicks but it's okay because my friends is the one and they'll never cheat on they girls.

Cold Blooded, Soft Hearted [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now