24 || A fresh new start

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A university is just a group of buildings gathered around a library.

- Shelby Foote


College was a fresh start, a new slate in my memory, and a journey that I would encounter. With preconceived ideas and expectations of the future, I stepped into new territory, both familiar and foreign for me.

I tighten the scarf in my neck as I braved the wind, passing with a whirl making a mess of my hair. Eyes trained into the destination I have in my mind, I strode to the road with my swing bag on my right and an Asus netbook on my other.

We were informed to go to the campus gymnasium, was briefly given the summarized information about the expenses, the usual do's and don'ts as well as how grateful the school head is for having some of the students here in this university. Some students have already fled to other states to get their degree there while the rest couldn't afford to leave this town and just weren't interested in venturing far from home.

I was the latter part, I wasn't into surprises, and in hindsight, I'm more of a person who sways along the waves rather than the one making waves.

"Are you really sure about your course?" Everlyn has asked this for the millionth time and I responded the same way.

"I am, deadly sure" I look her dead in the eyes while she pouted. We were free in every subject, the whole day, we students aren't required to be in class and is given the time to familiarize the area.

Her strawberry blond hair was pined up, she was also dressed in smart and clean clothes, different from her usual style. I, on the other hand, was dressed in comfy clothes but on the much warmer side, the snow poured hard last night and now we're experiencing its effect.

"Don't worry, we could still see each other at home, besides, our schedules were almost the same except for Friday, I have to go to the wildlife association" we're in the same building and almost all first-years have the same subjects, just two or more are different.

I have long decided to become a veterinarian, it was something that I always aspire to become and a love for the wildlife and the wild itself has already manifested itself into me. Besides, the community college offers great programs for the course that I already decided that it fits perfectly well with my plans.

"Fine, I'll accept it!" She proceeds to then hug me which earned a few curious glances from the others. I just let her be since we will be separated soon, she decided to take tourism which she got from her parents' love of travel.

Thankfully the community college here offered quite several courses or else we will have to be apart more.

Throughout the whole day, the two of us wandered around Wilsbrein University, it wasn't really that big of a place but it was enough to school an amount of one thousand and fifteen students. Four buildings, one dedicated to tourism and medicine while the other three were a class or two of education, business, accountancy, and electrical courses. There was also an indoor pool and a gymnasium just steps away from it. A court was erected in the middle of the four buildings.

There was a small lawn at every entrance of the building, some even have chairs built on them where students can hang around after class. There was also a small garden with several small plants and a variety of flowers growing inside that was built in the back of the buildings.

"That was fun"

"I don't think that was fun, it was pretty uneventful"

"Really?" I cocked my brows at her as she stopped midway through her walk. 

"You should come with me to experience what true fun is" her brows wiggled and I knew whatever fun she's talking about is the definition of trouble for me.

"Nope" I rejected with a popping p on the end.

"You never know? Maybe you could also ask your friend to come with us, maybe you two then will have fun" her words were innocent to some passerby but my understanding withheld a carnal idea of the truth behind her words.

I pretend to glare at her in anger but in reality, I feared that I have become quite used to her teasing and have found comfort in the ambiguous relationship that she strung us to.

Soon after, our trip to the school has ended, we got into an agreement where I would drive her back and forth and she would do that after a week of me doing the same.

"Seatbelts mademoiselle"

"Satisfied?" She put on the seat belts and smiled at me before I turn on the ignition and shortly, she arrived at her home, and me in mine.

I immediately see George working on his papers frustratedly and I can imagine how annoyed he was for having Mr. Oscar as their English literature teacher, he gives the most assignments and researcher but less consideration for students. He was infamous for his passion for English lit and his very much humble grades.

"I so hate to be you right now"

"Shut up" I snorted and let him be before grabbing a couple of ingredients to cook salmon chowder along with garlic bread and some simple chicken curry.

I first started to grill the garlic bread that was already prepared by my dearest mother, cook the needed ingredients in salmon chowder, and let it sit then did the same to chicken curry.

"Smells good honey" mom kissed my cheeks in a greeting, dad was with her already.

"Thanks, mom"

"I think you can be the owner of our bakery soon honey" she smells the garlic bread and approved of the taste not even taking into consideration how it was already prepared but I took her compliment.

"Looks like George is in for trouble" dad almost said in a sing-song voice earning a loud groan from George in the living room.

"Don't worry Dad, I'll help him later, I don't have much to do in the first week of college" there's truly not much to do besides getting to know your classmates whom you already have an idea of. Professors that your parents and friends from the other generation have learned from and a university that you have known for your whole life.

This day was as Everlyn remarked before, pretty much uneventful but it was something that I finally crossed. A bridge that I always see in my way but has never dared to step on.

College is just another road for me to travel to my destination, to achieve the necessary preparation that I needed to get to where I am, and something that would not define me but will add to what I could be and do.

Chapter 24 is out! Hope you like this chapter!

Have a great day everyone and stays safe!

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