Frustration (chapter 117)

Começar do início

,,Okay, call you later." I said and then hung up. ,,Nate." I simply said and Shawn nodded before we both made our way upstairs.

When we got at Nate's room, his door was closed, so I knocked and waited for his answer together with Shawn.

,,Who is it?" I heard Nate from the other side of the door.

,,The people who made you." I said and then the door opened to reveal Nate and Ami who was sitting on Nate's bed.

,,I showered if you wanted to ask that." Nate said and walked over to the bed to sit next to Ami.

,,We aren't here because of that." Shawn said and then we both walked over his bed. I sat on the bed next to Nate and Ami and Shawn kneed in front of Nathan's bed.

,,We wanted to ask you if you are okay." I said and Shawn nodded in agreement.

,,We are okay." Nate answered.

,,Are you mad?" I asked.

,,Not at you." Nate said.

,,At Riley?" Shawn asked and Nate nodded.

,,She didn't even say sorry for not coming when we got home. She was with that weird man and just ignored us." Nate said and pointed at him and Ami.

,,You said she was mad at you, but why is she not talking to us?" Ami asked and to be honest I didn't know what to answer.

I understand why Riley is mad, but I hate the fact that she believes Nick. I guess it is my fault for not telling her the truth from the begging. I was dumb. I know that. But I don't want our family to be destroyed by that. I don't want Nick to destroy my family again.

,,I really don't know princess, but she will come around at some point. You two are staying her siblings no matter what. Okay?” Shawn said and Nate and Ami nodded.

,,I'm still mad at her. She should have come at my game." Nate said and crossed his arms over his chest.

,,We are not gonna tell you how to feel, but just try not to be too harsh on her. Family is always the most important at the end of the day. Okay?" I said and Nate nodded.

,,Anything else you wanna tell or ask us?" Shawn asked.

,,Where is Riley?" Ami asked.

,,She is mad at me and daddy and now she left with Nick. We are not happy about that, but we'll fix it." I said and Shawn nodded.

Riley POV

,,Where are we going now?" I asked Nick after we left my house.

,,I can show you where I live. It's not very organized right now tho." He said and smiled at me.

I stared at Nick since we met at the cafe and I couldn't see much similarities between us. When mom showed me pictures of Nina it was like she was showing me myself. I mean I don't look exactly like Nina because I also think I look a little bit like mom. I always liked to think that I look like mom because I felt more like I belonged in my family. Don't get me wrong. I don't feel left out because I'm not mom's and dad's biological daughter, but sometimes I feel different. Sometimes I feel weird when I know that I'm theoretically just Camila's niece and I have no biological connection with Shawn. I feel weird sometimes and I can't lie.

I feel bad that I reacted like I did and not only how I reacted towards mom and dad, but also towards Mason. When he tried to explain to me why I shouldn't trust Nick, I overreacted and told him to fuck off. I was mad, yes, but I should've said that. Mason is my best friend and I treated him like shit. I feel bad for doing that and I also feel bad for yelling at mom and dad. Yes, I am mad at them. I am very mad, but I shouldn't have yelled at them.

Super auntie! (c.c. & s.m.)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora