I don't reply. Instead I keep my eyes forward, thinking about what I would do if he does attack me or do something to threaten me. I made a mistake putting my seatbelt on, that will only hold me back. I slowly bring a hand down to the seatbelt buckle just in case I need to set myself free.

"I like your hair. It's shorter," he points out.

"Thanks," I mutter back. "Turn here."

He turns the corner.

"So how is Styles?"

I glance at him. He keeps his gaze towards the road ahead of him. I shrug. "He's fine."

"And how is Miss Jacobs?" He adds smoothly.

"Okay I guess," I mumble.

The silence returns. I feel like I can my breathing is louder than normal, but I think it's because it's just so quiet in here. I almost flinch when I see Adrian's hand move to the radio, turning it on with the twist of a knob. Soft music pours from the speakers, blocking out the deafening silence.

Zayn's apartment complex is visible at the end of the block. The library was quickly approaching.

"It's right up here," I tell him, pointing at the library.

He nods as he slows down the car and pulls over to the shoulder of the street. He presses the unlock button on the car and gives me a smile.

"See? Just a ride. No cruel intentions."

I press my lips together and unbuckle my seatbelt. I quickly open the door and step out, instantly relieved as my body hits the cool air.

"Aw. No thank you?" I hear him ask.

I turn towards him. "Thank you for the ride, Adrian."

"That's more like it," he smirks. "And you're so very welcome. Have a good night, angel."

I nod my head and walk towards the library. I hear his car drive away, but I wait until he is out of my sight before crossing the street and heading into the parking lot of Zayn's apartment complex.

What the heck is wrong with that guy? I am no longer part of Harry's life, so why is he still messing with me? I don't want to be involved with those kind of people. And I definitely don't want to be accepting car rides with them. Who knows how much drugs are stuffed in there.

And the angel nickname is getting annoying at this point.

I check my watch as I walk towards the apartment. I still have forty five minutes to get ready for the bonfire. I might as well forget about Adrian right now. I don't feel like over stressing myself.

I open the door to the apartment and the comforting smell of savory food engulfs my nostrils, instantly making my mouth salivate. I take off my shoes and walk to Zayn's room, which I have inevitably stolen from him. I have insisted he lets me take the couch, but he refuses. I set my stuff on the floor next to the bed before returning back to the living room.

The sound of sizzling mixed with the strong aroma guide my feet to the kitchen. An uncontrollable smile stretches on my lips when I see Zayn standing up by the stovetop, stirring food in a skillet. Niall sits at the table, his thumbs speeding over his phone. He glances up at me and his jaw drops.

"Woah," he gasps. "What happened to you?"

Zayn tilts his head over at me and his eyes widen.

"I cut my hair," I point out, my cheeks heating up with a blush. They stay silent for a moment and suddenly I feel uncomfortable. "What? Does it look bad?"

Just a Roommate (H.S)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang