Chapter 41

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^ listened to this while writing the chapter i fucking love lana so much

Harry Styles

"Okay, seriously, where are we going?" Aria's sweet voice rings. "I'm hoping home?"

"Not quite," I tell her, keeping our destination a secret even though I knew she despises surprises with a passion.

She stares at me, clearly starting to grow a bit irritated with the secrecy. Oddly enough she looked adorable as she grew annoyed. Her frail arms crossed over her chest, gawking at me with those blue eyes of hers.

"You're annoying, you know that?" She tells me in a matter-o-fact tone.

I chuckle. "You must have never met yourself, babe."

It was sorta true. She could be very agitating. Everything must go her way or no way at all. If not, she'd throw one of those baby fits of hers. It was exhausting, but awing to watch altogether. I loved getting a rise out of her.

She huffs, rolling her eyes as she turned her body away from me to gaze out of the window.

As soon as she reminded me of her fear of heights, an idea popped up in my brain that I have honestly been planning for awhile now. She was going to hate me for what I was going to have us do. I know she will. But she'll only hate me momentarily.

Hopefully anyway.

The cocaine I ingested earlier was rushing through my veins, giving me a surreal boost of energy. That's the good thing about coke; the outstanding high. It made you feel so much more alive and alert. It made you feel as if you could jump off the moon and live to tell the story.

I could tell we were getting closer to our destination when I peered out my window. I haven't been to this place since I first moved here, but I know it is still quite the hotspot here in New York. A bit of a drive from our apartment in Manhattan, but it will be worth it.

Aria bounces her leg off the floor of the cab. She was antsy about the situation, knowing it must have something to do with heights. If only she knew what I was about to ask her to do. . . I doubt she would have even gotten into the taxi in the first place.

"Have I ever told you about my fear?" I speak up to Aria, though knowing the answer already.

She tilts her head towards me, her eyes now curious. I could tell she wants to know more about me, especially something as personal as a fear. She knows how private I am.

She presses her pink lips together. "No, you haven't."

I smile. "I'm sure this might not be be news to you, but I have always feared commitment."


"A lot of things. The divorce rate. Cheating. My parents."

"Oh?" She raises her eyebrows.

"My parents married before my brother or I was born. High school sweethearts. If you would ask our neighbors, they would tell you how happy of a couple they were. How in love they were." I explain. I am not sure why I am spilling this much information about myself, but I cannot stop the words from slipping off my tongue.

She stares at me, waiting for me to continue.

"I would have thought they were happy too. From the outside. But the amount of times I have watched my father bring some random woman home late at night when my mum was sleeping. I could hear them fucking in the guest bedroom. There was no way my mother didn't hear it too. I was fucking eight when it first started. This happened every other night until they divorced when I was seventeen."

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