Chapter 42

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^chapter summary

tw: aria becomes a mf simp


Aria Jacobs

Sex is something I have accumulated to fear since before I even knew the concept.

"Sex is something you cherish once you are married," my mother would tell me many times, her voice growing more strict the older I got.

The first time I heard the "sex speech" was when I started my first period. I was thirteen, one of the last girls in my grade to start. A late bloomer if you will.

My father ran to a convenience store to grab feminine pads, feeling awkward with the entire situation. My mother stood outside my bathroom door, speaking to me as I sat uncomfortably on the toilet waiting for my father to return.

"I think it's time we have the talk," she told me, her voice muffled through the door.

I knew it was going to be about the s word. We had yet to have a sex education class, but being thirteen and in middle school -- I have obviously heard about it. I didn't know exactly what it was, just that it was something that was frowned upon for our age.

"Now that you're officially starting this new stage of your life," she continued. "You might notice your body changing. You might start feeling a certain way about boys. Soon enough you might even be coerced by those boys to have. . . sex."

"Mom," I groaned back. I remember feeling embarrassed.

"This is serious, Aria. This is your body's way to prepare for sex. And sex, well, you are not allowed to have sex. Not until you're an adult. Not until after you graduate high school, college, and start off your career."

I remember being confused. I didn't understand why my body would already be preparing for something I wasn't allowed to do. And what exactly was it?


"All you need to know now is that sex leads to disasters, babe. You could get diseases, accidentally become pregnant, and more," she told me, her voice firm. "It just complicates everything. It will ruin your future."

That was all she told me then.

And it was enough to scare me away from the topic.

The next time I heard about sex was high school. It was our one and only sex education class. We learned the very basics: a man gets erect, puts his penis into a woman's vagina, and they have intercourse until ejaculation. We learned about the very awkward subject of sperm and eggs, the fertilization process and such.

The sex education teacher only seemed to heighten my fear of sex.

We watched a video about an unplanned teenage pregnancy. The sixteen year old girl decided to have sex and got pregnant. Her life only went downhill from there, or at least that is what the short film portrayed. Her partner left her, she had to drop out of school, she never went to college or finished her education, and had to settle for a minimum wage job -- where she didn't make enough to make ends meet. 

I know the video was an exaggeration, but it was still scary to watch. I didn't know what I would do if I got pregnant in high school. It gave me shutters just thinking about it.

We also had to watch a slideshow presentation over the touchy subject of sexually transmitted infections. They even included photos, most of which were very explicit and quite painful to watch. There was chlamydia, herpes, HIV, AIDS, and an entire list of more. It was a never-ending lists of reasons not to have sex.

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