Chapter 13

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"I wanted to surprise you," Brandon breathes. 

"Well, you definitely did!"

We both pull out of the hug. A crazy happy grin is plastered on my face and I am unable to remove it. I was not expecting Brandon to show up out of the blue. He is the type to stray away from surprises. He's more of a 'I live by the schedule of my planner' type of guy, organized and consistent. But I am glad he decided to show up tonight. Now I'll actually have something to do. I won't have to be pressured into going to another party.

He smiles back at me, showing off his pearly white, straight teeth. "I was going to come last night but I had a family thing pop up." 

"It doesn't matter," I say. "I'm just happy you're here now. I was already having the worst night."

Brandon raises his eyebrow. "Have you been drinking?"

I swallow, embarrassed. "A little bit."

"Oh. I thought you weren't the drinking type, Aria."

"I know," I agree with him. "It was just the one drink though. Let's go up to my apartment?"

"Okay," he replies, silently agreeing to change the subject. 

As we walked into the apartment building, I couldn't help but to feel bad. If I would have known Brandon was going to come, I wouldn't have drank. I wouldn't of even went to the diner. Thinking of the diner brings me back to him.

Oh shit. Harry. Is he home right now? I forgot that Brandon probably doesn't even know I have a guy as my roommate. Or that my roommate and I had a bizarre make-out session just last night

As if he read my mind, Brandon spoke up as we stepped out of the elevator, "So is your roommate cool? I know you were pretty nervous to meet her."

"Well," I start off. I'm not sure how to tell him that my roommate is a sexy, British man with a terrible attitude. "There is actually something I need to tell you about that."


We step through the halls. I stay silent. Maybe we should just get a hotel room for the night? Or see a movie? What if Harry is rude to him and ruins the night? We make it to the door and I  notice a small sticky note is stuck on the outside. 

'Out for the night. I got my key. -H'

I sigh in relief. Thank God. I turn to Brandon, "Well she isn't here so we're good." 

"Come on. Is she that bad?" Brandon smiles.

I shake my head, "She has quite an attitude. And parties a lot."

I feel bad about fibbing to Brandon about Harry being a girl, but he isn't here so who is it hurting? Plus I have no intentions on Brandon and Harry ever meeting each other. I don't want Brandon to know that I even associate myself with him. 

I open the door to the apartment and step in, motioning Brandon to follow me. He looks amazed as he gazes around the massive room, taking in the new features.

"Wow, you're really living in luxury now, eh?" He jokes, nudging me softly. "The dimensions of my dorm room are literally twelve by twelve. This is... nice." 

"Trust me. I am much happier I got this rather than a dormitory."

"How are you affording this?" He questions politely. "I mean this must be expensive. Nice top floor apartment in the middle of the city..." 

I don't take it offensively. Brandon knows my family's financial situation. Heck- he's basically been part of my family since elementary school. I'm not embarrassed by much around him.

Just a Roommate (H.S)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant