Chapter Twenty Six

Start from the beginning

"How long do I get?" Pippa questioned, not a hint of fear in her expression as she takes us all in.

"Five minutes, don't mess about. This ends today. Now are you sure about this? He is in a bad way, you will be shocked when you see him. You need to be prepared for this, it will give you an understanding of what we actually do, are you sure you want to know?" I queried. I was suddenly feeling nervous.

What if this is all too much? I believe in closure, I think she deserves this seeing as the club got her into this mess. But she could pack her bags and leave once she sees what I am capable of, what harm I might not have done myself but made sure it was inflicted on him.

My turn was up too, did she know I was going to take someone's life today?

Fuck, this is a bad idea.

"I'm sure about this, it doesn't scare me. I need to do this" she looked at me showing no emotion so I swallowed back the nerves and led everyone to the large workshop behind the house that we had Jinx locked up in.

When I pulled open the door, the smell was inhuman. Sweat, shit, piss, blood, you name it was all over the floor. A couple of teeth too.

Jinx was chained to a chair, naked and his wounds were weeping. A sure sign they were infected.

He had a large bruise on his head, one eye was shut as the skin around his eye protruded from the swelling. Both shoulders were dislocated, his bone structure completely messed up. He had a capital R scalded into the skin on his neck, done by a hot iron and still looked fresh, even though it was done about six weeks ago.

He had no fingers, Moose was playing and glued his thumbs to his nipples so now he looks fucking hilarious. He has scarring and bruising all over his body, a few small lacerations from knife wounds or sharp blades, deep enough to cause pain but not harsh enough to bleed out.

Lastly, we cut his tongue out last week. His marking for the blackhawks was carved off him, both kneecaps had been shot out already, so we just broke his ankles, even if we untied him the fucker couldn't move.

I admired the boys work, they had done a fine job. Torturing him little by little, making him feel degraded like he did with Pippa and finally, prolonging the inevitable.

I almost forgot Pippa was here until she walked up to Jinx, tilting his chin so he had to look at her.

She didn't react or even flinch, turn her nose up in disgust, look away in horror. Nothing.

"Udder ucker" he groaned out, his eye widening at the sight of Pippa.

"Cat got your tongue" Pippa mocked him and I realised then, I definitely fucking love her. She was the sexiest woman alive and she was mine.

I'm hard as a fucking rock right now.

Jinx tries to spit on Pippa but it just dribbles down his chin making him look more worthless.

"I think I owe you an apology Jinx" Pippa runs her hand along his bruised up face and we all look at her, confusion etched on to all of our faces.

"I have been lying in bed whilst these lot beat you to a pulp." She laughs like an evil villain and I can't explain how much I want to pound her ass.

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