Chapter Twenty-One

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I should be embarrassed at how quickly I scoffed that sandwich but I needed some pain relief, my body felt like I had been dragged through a ditch, then ran over by a freight train.

"Here" Harry handed me all six of my tablets, followed by a glass of water that was left on my bedside locker.

The concern on his face let me know he still cared about me, he just didn't love me. Nor did he have the balls to tell me that.

"How are you feeling today?" He watched me swallow my tablets and I closed my eyes, I couldn't look at him. It hurt like hell.

"Sore and tired, I might go back asleep"

"Can I get you anything? I can stay if you want?" I could feel the tears building behind my closed eyelids so I just shook my head hoping he would leave before the waterworks started.

"Pippa" he spoke quietly and I squeezed my eyes, a lone tear falling without my permission.

"Dont Harry, just leave it. I need to sleep. Can you go?" I blew out a shaky breath, all I wanted to do was have him hold me.

"Our bed arrives today" that just pushes me over the edge and I can't control the tears.

"Harry, you need to go" I have never been more grateful for my protective best friend.

"Are you sleeping with me later?" He reached for my hand and I shook my head.

"She has asked me to stay with her" Georgie spoke up again and Harry jumped up off the bed.

"If you need anything, let me know. Georgie, outside.. now" he growled at Georgie and they both walked out into the hallway closing the door behind them.

Of course I could hear there whisper yelling, they were never exactly discreet here.

"What the fuck did you do?" I hear Georgie yell at him.

"The fuck do you mean? Nothing, I did nothing"

"What has happened? She was crying in her sleep last night, she begged me not to bring you up here. Now she cries when she sees you. Something fucking happened now tell me" I heard the stomping of feet and I know its Georgie's signature tantrum move.

"She fucking said she loved me" Harry bit back at Georgie and there was silence for a minute before Georgie eventually spoke up. I was close to sobbing, a new wave of humiliation washing over me at Georgie knowing how stupid I am.

"And what did you say?" Georgie was angry, she spoke through gritted teeth which she only ever did when she was about to let hell break loose.

"I said nothing"

"I can't even look at you right now" Georgie spoke with a shaky voice before she came in through the door closing it behind her before she wrapped me in her arms a complete emotional wreck.


All I seem to be doing is sleeping and crying, but it's been a week and I can finally shower myself properly.

The pain I would still class as a 7/10 but Georgie is going to bring me out for a stroll in the sunshine today. I missed daylight more than I can even explain.

Looking at the same four walls and not having much mobility was messing with my head even further. So Georgie and Josie got me a wheelchair and are bringing me down for a picnic by the lake.

Of course I have to get downstairs first, so when I see Hunter standing in my doorway I cringe. It's not the first time I have seen him, all the boys have come to check on me.

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