His breath smelled like vodka and I was getting dizzy with the smell of his cologne. A mixture of days of sweat and too much spray.

"This was AFTER he denied me of Georgie. When I still pursued her he beat me to an inch of my life. I was lucky I could walk again"

I hid my smirk, knowing I would end up paying for it with the back of his hand or front of his boot.

"There are so many reasons why I hate Harry Riches and why YOU are the perfect revenge" he ran his hand along my neck squeezing tightly.

"Im gonna ruin you" he spat in my face and I could feel some of my hope slip away.


Day Eight

Something is going on, Pee and Jinx have done nothing but spoke in hushed voices for the last two days.

They barely speak to me, only adjust my body for the camera when necessary and I know it's for Harry. To torture him with guilt.

Im struggling to stay awake, my head is spinning constantly and I feel like I am going to faint.

The constant kicks and smacks to my head are beginning to take effect. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take.

"I'm going to meet Harry, he has the money. I'll give him this and then we move, she's nearly out. We can leave her" I hear Pee say but its muffled.

"I might have some fun while your gone." I don't see him approach me but I feel my hair being tugged and it feels like a razor blade cut through my scalp. I cry out in pain, I can't take it.

I'm not as strong as I thought.

"Wake the fuck up, your missing all the good bits" he shouted at me and I couldn't stop the tears from falling, my body was screaming for help. For some sort of relief.

"You have your friend Georgie to blame for all of my rage. Harry sure doesn't help your case either. I would suggest finding a new family but your all alone in this world, aren't you Pippa?" He slurred into my ear and pinched at my exposed nipples.

"What are you talking about?" I managed to croak out, my mouth as dry as the sahara desert.

"Oh sweet little Pippa, did you think I didn't know?" He ran his hand up and down my thigh, I tried to move away but I didn't have the energy.

"I have watched your every move since I learned Georgie was home. She made a fool out of me, choosing Hunter over me time and time again. So now it's my turn and unfortunately for you, you were the pawn to tear the Riches family apart and it's not as if you have any other family that will look for you, you're a nobody. An orphan with nothing." He laughed at me adding more salt into my open wounds.

I could feel my stomach turn and the bile rise up my throat before I was choking on the lining of my stomach pushing its way out of my body, gagging on the vile taste in my mouth.

"I thought hearing you gag would give me more satisfaction than this" he purred into my ear and I pulled against the restraints on my hands, I needed to get away.

He was a sick twisted man who needed desperate help.

He left me shivering with the cold and dry heaving, a complete emotional wreck praying for help.

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