" yes I did. Get revenge on her but not my brothers mother no!." what is she thinking.

" Why do you suddenly want to change our plan?. The three of us discussed it and agreed but now you want to drag my brothers in this?. Do you want mbuso to kill us mother!."

" He's my son. He will understand and he won't kill us."

" mother have you actually watched your son like really studied him cause if you did?. You will know that mbuso is fucken scary and he's very protective of his family. Our brothers and his mother, your sister."

" He's pretending with her I know. There's no way he still loves her after he found out what he did. He will side with us."

" I don't know mother. This is a bad idea. Maybe we should just let karma deal with her. I don't want to lose the family I have just found."

" Stop being a baby busani. We are sticking with the plan since you refuse to frame one of them."

" They are your boys too mother."

" No, they are hers not mine. Mbuso is only mine."

" Well they are my brothers and I'm not doing anything to hurt them. I want their mother dead and that's going to hurt them but I won't frame them."

" Look at you suddenly feeling the brotherly love for them. I wonder if they will be protective of you like you are on them."

" I know they will mother because they told me." she shakes her head.

" Open your eyes busani. My own sister betrayed me so what makes you think they won't betray you huh?."

" They won't cause I'm the one who's about to betray them and they can never know it is me."

" Well I want the bitch dead. She stole my life, my everything and now I'm going to get revenge on her. She's not getting away with it."

" Aren't you scared of that gogo? That she'll see right through you and me?."

" Oh bloody hell. Don't tell me about her. It will be her word against ours." This is a bad idea.

" Are you planning on staying here forever?."

" I am once I claim my family back."

" what about Eric mother!. You're still married to him."

" shush!. They might hear you. I was talking to my lawyer and I asked him to send Eric divorce papers." what?

" really?. You are going forget about him just like that?. You are going to divorce a man who loves you for a man who might not love you. You also don't love my father mother!."

" It doesn't matter. He also betrayed me in a way and who cares about us loving each other?. I don't want them to be together. Period!."

" Since we've been here mother I'm seeing another side of you that I didn't know existed. What about my sister?. Where does she fit in all this and are you going to mbuso that he has a little sister in the U.K?."

" I am going to tell him when the time is right. After all the ceremonies have been done."

" what if he already knows about Angela?. What if mbuyi or Mabutho told him about her?."

" I specifically told them to not say anything. I will tell my family myself."

This whole thing is stressing me out and now I don't know what to do. Yes I want revenge on my aunt but the other side of me is scared of what the consequences might be. I seriously don't want to lose my new family and hurt my brothers. Is this revenge even worth everything?. I know my mother is set dead against getting her revenge and a part of it is my uncles doing. He's the who came up with this idea and at that time emotions were still high after seeing my aunt for the first time and we agreed but now I'm not so sure.

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