"No it wasn't. But I don't know how to process this shit Georgie, there is too much going on and I walked away from Harry, I called it quits, I did this. He can be with whoever he likes I just cant be here when that happens. I ended up liking him more than I care to admit."

"You walked away from Harry cause your scared that you will fall for him and he won't commit, you had every right to do that to protect your heart. You're both too stubborn assholes to admit that you like one another" she says in a highly unamused voice as her expression shows me how stupid I was.

"Where is my feisty Pippa? The woman that didn't care what people thought of her? You were so carefree in New York"

"This isn't New York" I counter and she rolls her eyes.

"No, this is Texas, different place but same rules apply. You don't let any man dictate you or your feelings. If they don't reciprocate said feelings then you are better off without them. But when you lay your cards on the table and don't leave any room for argument, is when it comes down to.."

"Fight or flight" I finish her sentence and she gives me her cheeky grin that I love. The grin that got me through such a dark time in my past. The same grin that also always got me into trouble. 

"Harry likes you Pippa and this little mouse act you're doing, isn't how you get the guys. You have to dumb it down for them, be honest. I waited years to get my man. But the minute I came back, I told him how it's going to be and he agreed. So my lovely Pipmiester, is it going to be fight or flight on your end?" She wiggles her know it all eyebrows and I push her away from me.

"I have a love/hate relationship with your pep talks"

"Naa you love them girly, now go get your man and the rest my sweet best friend will fall into place, I promise. Give this place time, it will grow on you" she winks at me as her hand rest on the door handle.

I give her a nod, looking at my pale face in the mirror before I follow her out. Harry sprung from the bed looking panicked.

"Stay" he whispers and my ears perk up.

I humoured Georgie but I was still on the fence about leaving. I didnt have high hopes that Harry would become a one woman man or that Pop would wake up tomorrow and all of a sudden love my presence.

"If I go everything goes back to normal for us all and I need normal right now" I was being brutally honest. This place is great, don't get me wrong, but I just dont feel sold on it yet. It doesnt feel normal, nothing did.

If I liked someone in New York and it was a dead fish and it wasnt going anywhere. You'd move on and forget about them. You wouldnt have to live in the same house, see them every day, see girls throw themselves at him. Add that on to the fact that its not normal life here, I spent four years studying to sit around a house full of men and do nothing other than drink. I dont need a degree to drink.

This isnt normal life.

"Well this apparently is the new normal so sit your ass down and we can fucking compromise" he quickly glances at Georgie and then back to me, his eyes pleading, but I could see slight apprehension on his face.

He was out of this comfort zone, as am I since I got here. I think we both underestimated the mess we had created.

Georgie gives me a hug and whispers goodnight into my ear before she leaves the room.

"I've already got a condition" I announce and he rolls his eyes. I was trying to lighten the mood but Harry was on edge.

"Go on"

"Keep your boxers on please" I smirk and he raises an eyebrow at me before he gives me the dirtiest smile I have ever seen.

"Do I distract you Pippa?" His voice sounds husky and I don't know how he hasn't got babies all over the country because his voice alone would make any woman want to jump his bones and reproduce.

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