As my eyes close, I dream of a sexy brunette bouncing on my dick.


I wake up to consistent banging on my bedroom door and I was about to kill someone.

I jump up, naked with a raging hard on but I didnt fucking care. I should still be sleeping. I was awake almost 24 hours before I got to see my bed, looking at the clock, Ive had four hours sleep.

"Booooossss" the banging picks up just as I tear open the door.

"WHAT!?" I shout to a stunned Moose, hes drunk and he clearly hasnt gone to bed at all.

"Boss, Destiny is downstairs. She says she has to deliver a message, she knows who done it. She is pretty shook up. Her face is fairly bruised up"

I quickly wake up at his revelation "She better not be fucking wasting my time. Send her up".

He nods before he runs off back downstairs. I throw on some clothes and take a shot of whiskey. This day might have only started for me, but I couldn't wait for it to be over. My head was pounding.

Minutes later a shook looking Destiny walks into my bedroom. Her skin was pale apart from her bloodshot eyes and bruised cheeks and chin. She must have been thrown to the ground to bruise up her face like that. She wore no makeup and a tracksuit so she looked frightening. Her hair is matted to her head with blood.

"Sit" I point to the sofa in the corner and she sits down looking frail. I go to the bathroom and grab a wash cloth, wetting it before I place it on her head. Its split slightly, she winces as I place it on the wound.

"They told me not to make contact with you until this morning." She sobs out, her hand holding the cloth to her head, I nod, my jaw clenching as I wait for her to continue. "They know you've been sending out warnings to your sister charters"

"Who?" I dont mean to speak through gritted teeth but I was furious, so fucking mad. They obviously have someone on the inside to know we have sent out warnings.

"Blackhawks, they said they're coming for you. They have a new connect and want your territory, they said they will destroy you one by one to get it" her shoulders shake as she leans into her hands trying to wipe her steady flow of tears.

I take a seat beside her and wrap my arm around her, as angry as I fucking am, shes innocent in all of this. It just goes to show they are scum of the earth if they use women to pass messages. I dont like anyone being dragged into this but the truth was, anyone I so much as looked at was involved now. I had been fucking Destiny reguarly thats why they chose her. That obviously means Pippa isnt safe once they realise she is here.

"Did they say anything else?"

"They told me if I didnt deliver the message that they will go to my house and cut off my limbs one by one. They said they have been watching me for weeks. They were expecting me in.. to work" I sigh and run my hand through my hair.

"They asked me why I hadnt been visiting the clubhouse, I didnt know what to say.." she sniffles before she throws her head into her hands sobbing.

Fuck I was frustrated. If they have been following Destiny they know where the warehouse is. They know about Pippa. Fuck!!

"Baby..." Destiny runs her hand up my thigh.

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