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you woke up from a kiss on your lips. you opened your eyes and saw bucky smiling.
"good morning doll"
he gave you a kiss on your cheek and laid back down. you groaned as a response.

you turned around to him.
"how many time is it?" you asked with your eyes still closed.
"8:45am" bucky answered.
you just groaned again.

after a few minutes you stood up. you covered your naked body with your blanket and went to the bathroom.
you closed the door and heard bucky shouting,
"no need to cover up"
you grinned like an idiot and shook your head. if he say's so.

you put your blanket down and walked out of the bathroom completely naked. you didn't make eye contact with him but felt his eyes glued on your body and just went to your closet.

"y/n what the fuck."
he raised his voice a bit and looked away.

"what? don't you like the view?"
you smirked at him.

"if you look down to your leg then no, no i don't like the view."
he sat his back up and turned to you.

you were confused. as you looked down to your leg you saw that your scar opened a bit. it was only on your thigh but it was still bleeding much, it didn't hurt though.

"oh. uhm. don't worry about it. it's not a big deal."

"fuck. did i do this?!"
he sounded worried.

"why does that matter? it doesn't even hurt."
you went back to your bathroom where all the first aid stuff was. you cleaned up the blood and wrapped a bandage around your thigh.

"see. everything is fine."
you smiled at him as you pointed to your leg proudly. you went up to your closet and got dressed.

"sorry y/n"
he said quiet and softly.

you sighed, shook your head and went up to him.
"come on lazy bitch stand up."
you grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the bed.
"stop calling me a bitch, dipshit."
you smirked and gave him his clothes which laid on the floor.
"get dressed and leave, they are probably already waiting for us."

he got dressed and as he wanted to open the door to leave, harley stood there.
"oh. uhm, hi"
harley said awkwardly.
before bucky could say something, you came.
"harley! hello. uhm, what are you doing here?" you smiled nervously and narrowed your eyes.
"i just wanted to tell you that breakfast is ready. why the hell is he in your room?"
he pointed at bucky.
"nice to see you too"
bucky said, clearly annoyed and left to go to his room.

"come on. didn't you say that breakfast is ready?"
you said while walking out of your room and closed the door behind you. he didn't move.
"are you coming?"
you were already in the elevator. harley finally came and the both of you stood in the elevator in uncomfortable silence.

the both of you wanted to say something at the same time.

"why was he-"

"he was just-"

"sorry. you speak first."
harley offered.

"no no, go on."

"why was he in your room? i was told the both of you hate each other to death."

you tried hard not to smile.
"he was just pissing me off again, as always. yes i hate him, you were told right. it's not a big deal"

he smiled slightly and nodded.
you arrived the first floor and saw all of them already sitting on the table with the breakfast on it. bucky came a short time after.
"tony what about the party?"
you asked, swallowing the bite from your pancake.
"already sent some emails. although it was a last minute party, many people agreed on coming. i'm such a lovely little boy, everyone loves me."
he said sarcastically and proudly.
everyone laughed.

1 hour later everyone already finished eating breakfast and was now sitting in the living room chatting. you got cold since you were just wearing a crop top and it was snowing outside. you were too lazy to go upstairs, so you just grabbed the random hoodie that laid there and put it on.

you came back to everyone as harley's eyes scanned your whole body. some of the others did that too. you ignored it and sat between wanda and loki.
"uhm y/n"
wanda poked her finger in your arm.
you looked over at her
"why are you wearing this?"
she whispered and pointed at your hoodie. you looked down at it. it was just a plain black hoodie with some random print on it..
you were confused and narrowed your eyes.

"it's harley's"
she whispered even quieter.

oh. your eyebrows raised as you realized. you looked over at harley who was smirking into nothing.

you smirked. you actually didn't really care, it was just a little bit weird wearing something from your almost ex.

a few hours passed and it was 6pm now, the party starts at 7pm but of course you'll be late again. you were in your room most of the time but now are going down to the kitchen to eat a little snack.

as you entered the kitchen, harley sat there alone, drinking something. great.
you didn't say anything to him and just made a sandwich.

"i like your hoodie"
harley broke the silence.

you turned around to him, looked down at your, or better said his hoodie, looked back up at him, nodded and smiled awkwardly.

"do you want it back?"
you started to take it off but half way through he stopped you.

"no no no"
he looked away, respectfully, although you had a crop top on underneath. you put the hoodie back on.
"it's not a big deal. you can have it if you want to, i don't need it anyway. and it looks way better on you."

he smirked at you. you had a weird feeling in your stomach. butterflies? no. most definitely not.

"uhm. thank you, i guess."
you said bluntly and took a bite from your sandwich.

he smiled awkwardly and stood up.
"well i got to go now. the party is soon and i still need to shower. see you later?"

you nodded and smiled at him. he did the same and walked out. you went into the elevator and wanted to press the button to your floor, but then you pressed pietros instead. you haven't really hung out with him in a while. you knocked on his door and walked in.
"hello pretty boy"
you smiled at him.

"hello y/n. you like my new suit?"
he smirked and turned 360°.

"i love it"
you giggled and hopped on his bed.
"for who is it? the new girl?"
you smirked and winked at him.
"is she coming to the party again?"
pietro's smiled dropped as he looked down. you knew something was wrong.
"oh no what's wrong piet? please tell me she didn't hurt you or i'll kill her."
you said bluntly. he let out a sad chuckle and looked up at you again.

"y/n i don't know if i can do this. this whole.. dating thing, dating.. girls thing."
he put his head down once again, he sounded nervous. you immediately knew what he meant.

"oh my fucking god."
you always had suspects of him not being straight. your eyes lightened and a smile on your face grew. you screamed excitingly and jumped up to hug him.
"i fucking knew it" you mumbled into his shoulder. he chuckled.

"how come?"
he pulled you away from the hug.

"i don't know it just always seem so suspicious,"
you were so happy for him.
"but in a good way, you know?"
the both of you laughed.

"thank you y/n."
his voice softened and his smile lightened up.

"no need to thank me for that piet. i love you and i'm happy for you."
your voice softened either as you pulled in for one last hug.

"ok as much as i'm loving this right now, it's 6:48 pm y/n and you're still in your sweats."
he slowly pulled you away from the hug.

you forgot the party.
"meh. i always come late anyway."
you shrugged it off and left to your room to get ready.

secret benefits // bucky barnes x female readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon