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you sat down on your bed as you were sinking in your thoughts. you are a person who always hides her emotions so that means all the avengers haven't seen you crying in all these 5 years. that's why you tried to hide that you nearly panicked because of this arm.

you didn't have many big scars from hydra but there was one that was big and noticeable. it was on your right leg. it was a big line that went all over your leg from the right side of your right hip across your knee to your left ankle of your right foot. everyone already saw the scar and asked you from where you have it but you always said you don't know, although you remember very well. that's the reason you have nightmares so often.

you were tortured in a small room and got knocked out, as you woke up you hung in the middle of the room with your arms and legs hold by a chain. you hung there like a starfish. all of sudden a man with a mask and middle length hair walked in with a metal arm, his metal finger turned into a very sharp knife as he cut your leg open from your hip to for foot. you have never felt worse pain than this in all the years you were tortured.

you were scared and couldn't even tell anyone. you didn't know what to do. he has changed he has changed he has changed. you sat on your bed repeating these words the whole time until you fell asleep.

of course you had a nightmare again, and guess what? it was the day you got the scar, what a surprise. you started to scream and all of sudden bucky stood above you trying to wake you up and calm you down. you moved into the 16th floor purposely. you screamed in your sleep sometimes because of the nightmares and on this floor no one could hear you. but now there's bucky. "is everything ok? why are you screaming?" he asked worried. you panicked seeing him laying his metal arm on you. you pushed his arm away gently "oh it's nothing, just a little nightmare." you were out of breath, he looked a little bit confused but still walked out without asking questions. "thank you though" you said shortly before he walked out. he smiled and nodded as he closed your door.

the next morning you took a shower and put on some baggy jeans with a crop top, pretty casual. when you walked out of your room you saw bucky. you were still scared but didn't show. "james!! wait" you called him. "what's up?" he asked. "please don't tell anyone about yesterday" you said annoyed. you knew this wasn't really nice of you but you did it anyway. his eyebrows connected with a confused look but then he nodded and went into the elevator. you wanted to use the elevator too but now you changed your mind.

you walked down the stairs but bucky saw it. "why don't you just use the elevator, we are on the 16th floor there are many stairs" he said. you looked at him but then looked away and just walked down the stairs. shit he was right. there were so many stairs, your thighs started to get numb. finally you made it to the first floor. some where in the kitchen, some in the living room and bruce and tony in the lab, as always. "you made it" bucky said sitting on the couch. you clearly looked annoyed and just walked into the kitchen where pietro and wanda were. they had an argument, but like a simple sibling argument. wanda was annoyed and walked away. you smirked at pietro "what did you do again?" you asked. "nothiiing i swear she's just dumb" he said smiling "shut up she's perfect" you punched him playfully as you both chuckled and had a long chat.

suddenly someone came into the kitchen and opened the fridge. the fridges door closed as buckys face appeared. you didn't know how to handle the fear in you because of him. you clearly didn't want anyone to know and you especially didn't want to look like a pussy. you decided to just act like you can't stand this man so he just stays away from you. you sighed annoyed and just continued the chat with pietro. he finally left. "gosh i can't stand him" you said to pietro while rolling your eyes. "what? why? you haven't even had a good chat with him, how are you judging so fast" pietro chuckled. "just look at him, isn't he ugly? he's so annoying ugh" you were definitely lying, he was very handsome and good looking. pietro just laughed and shook his head as he walked out the kitchen.

you sat down on the couch to watch a movie but then bucky came and sat down on the other couch. you rolled your eyes and walked away. "wtf was that" bucky whispered but you still heard it. you turned around and looked at him "stfu barnes" you said and walked into the elevator. "oh i see, the rude girl can use elevators" he said sarcastically. "screw you" you shouted as the elevator door closed. he has such beautiful eyes.

tony announced a mission through FRIDAY. since they didn't know about your powers you only came to the missions to hack things and all that because you were a technic freak. it was a hydra missions. you hated hydra missions. we all met in the meeting office to plan the mission. the people who went to the mission got ready and warmed up (tony, steve, bruce and pietro) it was a close combat mission so they mostly send people to the mission who fight close combat. bucky is a close combat fighter too but it was for his own safety to stay.

as you guys walked into the quinjet everyone who stayed wished the others good luck. you finally arrived. you stayed in the quintet and did all the hacking thing to open doors, hack the cams and way more. you were pretty good at this.

gladly no one was deadly injured. they just had some scars but that was normal. you arrived and everyone went to their rooms and rested.

since everyone was exhausted from all the fighting you were the only one they could ask how the mission went. bucky came to me "how did it go?" he asked "good" you said annoyed under my breath as you walked away. then everyone else asked me and you answered with joy. he noticed and was confused as why you were so rude to him.

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