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your breath got heavier and your eyes switched between his lips and his eyes. soon enough they were stuck on his lips. oh god it's getting really hot here. are the windows open? you realized him leaning in to kiss you put you pulled away. "james we can't do this." you said while cleaning your throat. "and why?" he asked softly. "we hate each other. what will the others think?" you said nervously. "who said that the others will find out?" he picked you up and went inside the elevator. you both made out in there until you reached your floor.

as soon as the elevator door opened we rushed into his room still making out. he threw you on the bed and got on top of you. you guys were making out with his body between your legs until you heard a knock on your door. it was steve.

"bucky!! why did you leave the party? it's getting boring" he shouted from outside the door. "uhh i just needed to pick up something. wait for me downstairs ok?" bucky shouted as i started giggling. "hurry up" steve was gone.

"we're not finished yet" bucky said as he got up to fix his messed up hair and wipe away the lipstick you left on his lips. you smirked at him as he got out to meet steve. you sighed and still had chills all over you.

dang it steve. what would have possibly happened if he wouldn't have appeared? what were we even doing? omg i'm so dumb. many thoughts were filling up your head. you stood up to fix your dress and your hair. you walked down to the party again. you pointed out bucky. he smirked at you but you just looked away not to suspect anything. you saw bruce with tony and went up to them. "how's your birthday so far banner?" you asked and smiled at him "i love it y/n. again, thank you so much." he smiled back. "don't thank me, it was tony's idea. i just organized it." you smirked and walked away.

the party got boring. you were thinking about the thing that happened between you and bucky the whole time. that was a horrible mistake. or was it not..? as you started to sink into your thoughts, bucky appeared in front of you. "hey doll" he said as he sat down beside you. "doll?" you said and clenched your eyebrows in disgust. he just smiled at you as he took a sip from his drink. he looks so good.

bucky was already gone and people started to leave. you made your way to the elevator to go up to your room. you were exhausted and tired. as soon as you opened the door to your room you jumped on your bed. you fell asleep right after, not even changing your clothes. you slept peacefully, without a nightmare. you were embarrassed by them since bucky heard them sometimes. but he didn't help you like the first time he experienced you having a nightmare since you hated each other now.

you woke up and felt musty so you took off the dress and took a shower. you put on some clothes and made your way downstairs. when you arrived no one was there except for tony. he sat on the couch and was working on his macbook. "good morning stark" you said as you walked to the kitchen to make a coffee. "morning y/n." he didn't look away from his work. "want some coffee?" you shouted from the kitchen. "have you ever heard me saying no to coffee" he shouted back and you chuckled. you brought him his coffee and asked him what he was working on since he looked so stressful and tired. "everything that i have missed to do." he said and sighed. "and how long have you been sitting here?"
"the whole night" you shut his macbook, grabbed his hand and pulled him into the elevator.

"tony you need sleep. go upstairs and rest, i'll do the work" you said and smiled. "thank you so much y/n i really appreciate that" he said and yawned. since you aren't an avenger you were like their assistant sometimes so you could still earn money.

now i understand why tony was awake the whole night. there was very much work to do although tony already stayed up tonight to finish everything. you heard the elevator bing and when you looked up bucky was there. oh shit. you were distracted from working now because you've had yesterday night in your mind. "what are you working on" he asked. "just some of tony's shit" you mumbled. "oh, sucks." he sat down right next to you and laid his arm around your neck. you pushed him away. "james what the fuck are you doing?" you asked aggressively. he just looked at you, smirked and walked away to the kitchen.

"gosh i hate you so much" you said under your breath but he still heard you. "the feelings mutual." he shouted from the kitchen. as soon as the others came down you were finished with the work. you all had breakfast and hung out. suddenly you've realized you didn't train for a long time. you went upstairs to pack your things and left. you arrived and wrapped something on your knuckles to start punching the punching bag. you let all your anger out.
"this is for james barnes who can fuck himself."
"this is for that hydra guy who nearly exposed me."
"this is for me because i've made out with barnes."
"and THIS is for steve rogers who interrupted us yesterday."
you punched the bag so hard, it fell down. the sand in there was coming out and you were out of breath. "wow you're getting even more mysterious every time" someone said from the corner of the room and as you turned around bucky sat there on some mats.

"dang it barnes you scared me. what the fuck are you doing here and how did you find me?!" you asked and crossed your arms. "i followed you" he said casually. "are you fucking kidding me." he shook his head. "i'll kill you barnes." you said with a straight face. "sorry. i just needed to make sure you won't meet up with that marcus guy." he said and leaned back on the mattress. "it's not your business who i'm meeting up with and who not." you said angrily and removed the wraps around your knuckles. "well for me it is" he said proudly. "after what happened yesterday, he better not touch you anymore." he said as he walked to the door. you felt anger filling up your body. he opened the door and shortly before he got out he said,

"oh and i need an explanation for what happened with that punching bag. you were pretty good for someone like you. oh and don't worry, next time steve won't interrupt us." he winked and got out. someone like me? next time? is he fucking serious? "there's no fucking next time asshole." you shouted and hoped he heard it. probably not.

you went back to the tower and went to your room. you hopped on your bed and sighed. you were exhausted and tired. fuck. barnes saw me. your eyes widened as you realized.

you heard a knock on your door. "come in"

secret benefits // bucky barnes x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now