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it was the next morning, which means that it's bruce's birthday and his surprise party is tonight. you got ready and went downstairs to see everyone gratulating bruce. you ran up to him and jumped on his back. you were always a little bit extra. "happy birthday old man" you said as you jumped off his back and hugged him "thank you y/n" he smiled at you. all of you haven't passed him a present which caused confusion in him but he didn't really care. he'll get his presents tonight.

you sat down and ate breakfast with the others. "wait i just realized that i haven't seen thor in literal ages. is he also coming to the-" you nearly exposed the surprise party but pietro interrupted you with a cough. "uh i mean is he coming over again sometime?" you saved your ass. "i really don't know. he's spending a lot of time in new asgard lately." said tony.

"oh well then, let's hope we'll see him soon. i missed him." everyone agreed. you finished breakfast and pulled pietro to the side. "did we invite thor?" you whispered. "i don't think so, let's check" we went up to his room to check if we invited thor to bruce's party. we didn't. "send him an email now." you said. "you know that thor isn't that good with technic and how much he hates last minute plans" pietro said. "NOW!" you shouted. pietro sent the email and put his computer away. "wait did you just say that thor hates last minute plans? thor freaking loves last minute plans." you said and rolled your eyes playfully. "oh uh oops" just came out of pietros mouth. dumbass.

you stayed in pietros room for a little bit but then went up to your room again. as you opened the door you saw bucky on your bed. "get the fuck up" you said. "nah i'm good." he said. god i hate this man. you really didn't feel like arguing right now so you just asked "what the fuck do you want" you crossed your arms over your chest. "answers" he said with a straight face. "answers to what?" you said while sitting down on your bed far away from bucky. "everything. that hydra guy that asked for you. the person you've killed and the guy at the cafe. do you know how mysterious you are y/n? it fucks up my mind. i can't stop thinking about it."

bucky barnes cannot stop thinking about me? "well i like being mysterious" you said while standing up to prepare all the things you need for the party. "i don't" he said "couldn't care less" i sighed sarcastically. "y/n i'm serious. i want answers. and i don't know if i can keep all this to myself if you don't answer me." you looked up from what ever you were doing and turned around.

"james don't you dare to tell a single soul about this. it's enough that tony knows about it and nat thinks she just had hallucinations while being drunk." you were angry and nervous at the same time. "then fucking answer me y/n" he said while raising his voice and standing up. "i will barnes. but the same thing that i said to tony applys to you. i'll tell you when i'm ready." you said in a serious tone. "promise me to tell me first." he said in a soft voice. "we will see how it goes." you said and opened your door as a sign for him to leave.

it was getting late so that means it was time for bruce's party. you got ready and sneaked down to the party hall without bruce seeing you. you prepared everything. bruce thought you all are just going to a fancy dinner for his birthday. you went up to look for him. he was in his lab as always. "oh come on bruce. the lab? really? on your birthday?" you grabbed his hand and pulled him out. "sorry i just needed to check something." you rolled your eyes and thought of an excuse to go to the party hall with him. "bruce can you help me get something from the bar in the party hall very quick? i forgot something there." this was the only thing that came up to your mind. "sure. let's go" you went up to the hall and let him open the door as everyone shouted "surprise".

he was amazed and thanked you and pietro for organizing everything. everyone was having fun. you were in the dance crowd with sam and pietro but then felt like having a drink. you excused yourself and went up to get a drink. "let's hope you'll not fuck someone after this party" a manly voice said behind you. you turned around and of course it was bucky. you saw him in a suit for the first time since he always goes to party's in his regular clothes but this time bruce was the only exception. hot.

you looked him up and down. he looked good. very good. you turned around and grabbed your drink. "do you like what you see?" he asked confidently. you put on a disgusted face. you drank your drink and asked for a shot. "woah y/n calm down you'll throw up after" he said worried. "i hope it will land on you" as you drank your shot without hesitation.


bucky's pov

i saw y/n alone at the bar so i went up to her. she looked annoyed of me as always. it's so fucking annoying. she looked good in her dress and with her shiny h/c hair. she looked me up and down slowly. i hope she likes what she sees. she drank that shot without hesitation. i love when she does this. it's hot. only if she wouldn't be so pissed off the whole time.


you were already feeling the alcohol. i love this feeling. you looked back at bucky. "i feel like fucking someone tonight." you said to provoke him. it worked. his face got red. "well then, good luck." he said, clearly annoyed. to make it even better, you saw a drunk guy passing you. you grabbed his forearm and pulled him closer to you as your lips touched and tongues met. you pushed him away again. he walked away but couldn't keep his eyes away. "do you know what i meant with the word slut now?" bucky said, still annoyed and completely red. "maybe" you said and smirked.

you teased him the whole time. "stop this y/n" he said. "stop what?" you asked although you exactly knew what he meant. "you're trying to tease me aren't you" he said and got red again. "trying? no i'm clearly doing it. and what a surprise, it works." you said and smirked. "ok that's enough." he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the living room. "hands off barnes" you pulled your hand away. "what the fuck are you doing" you asked aggressively. "i'm doing what you're teasing me to do" you both looked at each other deeply in the eyes.

it wasn't long until your back was pressed against the wall and his body pressed against yours. his hands came up to pin yours against the wall above your head and his face slowly came down to yours.

"try to escape now" he whispered into your ear and slightly touching your earlobe with his lip which caused you chills. you felt your voice stuck in your throat and your knees getting weak.

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