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it was the next morning. the others arrived very late yesterday, the mission didn't seem to be that easy because they looked very tired and were very exhausted. you woke up to the peaceful sunlight. you stood up and instantly went to the bathroom to take a shower. there, you only had one thing in your mind. yesterday.

yesterday was surprising. the words that harley has said to you were the most surprising part. you decided to act like nothing has happened yesterday and just be normal with harley. you finished showering, got dressed and went downstairs. most were still asleep since they were completely exhausted from the mission. you didn't really talk to bucky yesterday because he immediately went up to his room and fell asleep when he arrived. you didn't know if you should tell him about harley, since it's none of his business, but you really wanted him to know.

you were sitting in the living room, alone, until pietro came and sat down next to you.

"ok ok. so, i've noticed that since i know what is going on between you and mysterious boyfriend, he always looks at you, in a very lovely way, as if you were the only thing in his world. it's really cute, kinda creepy sometimes, but let's just skip that.."

he started talking very fast, you didn't really know what was going on right now. he didn't even say good morning or anything. he just started talking without a warning.

"ok stop it"

you interrupted him before he was able to continue.

"first of all, he is not my boyfriend. secondly, could you please talk a bit quieter, we're not alone in this tower. third.."

you breathed out heavily before continuing to speak.

"harley confessed his love to me yesterday."

pietro didn't say anything. he just widened his eyes completely. he tried to say something but nothing came out, he was speechless. it was very shocking, for the both of you.

"y/n... HOW"
finally words came out of his mouth. you started to tell him everything from yesterday.

"he's a bitch"
pietro spoke. you slapped his thigh with the back of your hand and smiled.

"i'm serious. did he really think that traveling around in the usa is better than going back to the person he's in love with so they wouldn't have suffered like this? it's not even anything special. but he could've at least come back and take you with him."

"you're probably right, but don't forget that i wasn't the only one he was in love with in that time."

"right, that asshole."

"i don't even know if i should believe him. sometimes i think he's lying to me, i don't even know why. i mean, how can he still love me? it doesn't make sense to me."

before pietro could respond, y'all got interrupted with bucky and steve entering the living room.

"good morning guys"
steve smiled.

"good morning"
pietro responded. you just let out a 'mhm.' the situation with harley just annoyed you. because of course the situation couldn't have gotten any better, harley and peter entered the living room too.

"hey guys, good morning"
harley greeted.

"morning fellas"
you smiled, you acted as if nothing has happened. pietro nudged your arm. you looked at him as he gave you a 'what the fuck was that' look.

"i just told you i don't want anything to be awkward so i'm acting normal."
you whispered very quietly.

"what's the whispering for?"
bucky asked. you looked at him and narrowed your eyes.

secret benefits // bucky barnes x female readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt