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{next morning}

you woke up by bucky kissing your forehead. you opened your eyes and saw him in his suit smiling at you.

"good morning doll"
he said quietly. you just groaned and rubbed your eyes.

"i just wanted to uhm say goodbye before i leave for the mission."

"oh right, the mission. take care of yourself please, i'll wait for you."
you said in your morning voice. y'all kissed each other one last time and then he left.

after a few minutes you stood up and took a shower. you got dressed and then went downstairs. everyone was already awake and breakfast was already finished.

you joined the others on the breakfast table and sat down next to pietro and loki. y'all started eating until suddenly you had this weird feeling in your stomach again. you groaned a bit and held your belly. pietro noticed and asked if everything was ok.

"yeah my stomach is just not feeling that well."

"are you pregnant?"
he whispered.

"pietro i hate you."

"oh right you can't get pregnant, i'm sorry."
he scratched the back of his head nervously.

"it's not even hurting.. it's just a weird feeling you know? and it's a very uncomfortable feeling."
you held your belly tighter.

"do you think it's because of yesterday's weed?"

"no i had the feeling before smoking too. it even went away with it."

he said with his full mouth. you chuckled because he looked funny while eating and just tried to ignore the feeling.

a few moments later everyone finished eating and sat down in the living room. they just had small chats and laughed together.

you were talking to pietro the whole time, but then you remembered..

"wait, piet, weren't you supposed to go on that mission too?"

"yeah but it was a boring mission so i didn't want to go and switched with sam."

"oh, alright. i was just wondering."


three hours later, you, nat and wanda were hanging out in nat's room. you wondered why sam, bucky and steve didn't come back from the mission yet because they were taking very long but you decided to be patient and don't worry too much.

the three of you were watching a movie and now you were just laying on her bed, talking to them about stuff.

"..i don't know if it's going to work out.. i mean, i like him very much but there's just something that's missing, you know what i mean?"
wanda was talking about loki. they got to know each other in the last weeks and hung out pretty much.

"but you missed him while he was away. like.. a lot."
nat teased.

"of course i did, i missed all of them. didn't everyone?"

"not me."
nat said as she took a sip from her coke.

"oh i'm pretty sure you did. especially your big green guy."
wanda teased nat

"oh come on shut up that was years ago."

you were a bit confused..
"wait, bruce and you? shut up."
you smiled big.

"it was very short and nothing big happened. wanda just loves to tease me with it."
nat nudged wandas head and they both laughed.

you were still worried. you couldn't stop thinking about if something bad happened to the boys.
"uhm guys i don't want to sound paranoid or something but like.. shouldn't the boys be back already?"

"i don't know what the mission is about but i'm sure they're fine don't worry."
nat stated.
"what are you worrying about?"

"uhm, my friends?!"

"so you and barnes..?"
wanda narrowed her eyes and gave you a little smirk.

"finally. i was waiting for this moment. because to be honest y/n.. you and barnes would be fucking hot together."
nat gave you a little smirk too.

"gross. barnes isn't the only one on the mission lady's. i'm going to go down and see if tony knows anything."

you stood up and left nat and wanda alone. you went into the elevator to go down and see if tony is there. he was. he was sitting on the couch in the living room with bruce and thor.

"good afternoon mr stark."
you said while sitting down next to him. you lowered your voice a bit and began speaking,
"so uh i was wondering if you are in contact with uhm steve and know where he is.. they are taking pretty long on a 'small mission'"

"yes i know. i tried to contact them but no one answered."
he answered, you stayed quiet.

"don't worry lady y/n. i'm pretty sure they are good. there are two super soldiers, one with a metal arm and a soldier with wings. nothing is going to happen to them."
thor tried to calm you down, didn't really help.

"the only thing we can do now is be patient. i'm sure capsicle isn't going to let anything happen do barnes or wilson."

you chuckled at the name tony called steve since you were the one who made it up.

"well then, i hope i didn't disturb you guys, i'm going to go now."

"you never disturb us y/n. you can stay and chat with us if you want to."
bruce spoke. you nodded and sat down again. you were chatting and laughing with tony, thor and bruce but you were still worried.. you just couldn't help it.

nearly an hour later, you were sitting in the living room with thor and loki. y'all were just talking about random stuff until you guys suddenly heard the quinjet landing. oh my fucking god. finally!!

you quickly stood up and went to the gate. thor and loki followed you. the door of the quinjet opened and revealed steve with blood and scars on his face. sam came out shortly after steve. they were walking towards you.. but you couldn't spot bucky.

steve and sam were now in front of you. you weren't even looking at them, you were just looking at the quinjet, waiting for bucky to come out, but instead, the quinjet door closed.

you looked over at sam and steve. they had guilt in their eyes.

you asked quietly. steve looked down in embarrassment. your heart was racing.. you were assuming the worst. death?

"what happened?"
your voice was still lowered with a little crack in it, trying to fight back tears.

sam started to explain
"we were flying back from our mission and on the way we spotted a hydra base. it looked empty so steve and i wanted to go inside. bucky was refusing to stay although steve said that it would be better for his own safety but he resisted so he came with us. we were exploring the place until suddenly some hydra agents came. we fought them for a long time.. they were very strong."

you waited for them to explain why bucky isn't there.

steve continued to explain in a low tone, he almost whispered

"they knocked us out and took bucky.."

secret benefits // bucky barnes x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now