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a few days passed. you trained with marcus regularly. soon you wouldn't need his help anymore since you're very good now.

you couldn't sleep all night long because of the nightmares. it was already sunrise and you haven't slept yet. it was 6am and everyone was asleep so you decided to make a fancy breakfast.

you were finished and started to decorate the table. it was now 7am and some were already awake. after everything was finished you woke up wanda, scott, steve, sam and peter who were still asleep. bucky was still asleep too but of course you didn't wake him up. they all came down and saw the food. "woah i didn't know you could cook" peter said while being amazed. "yes peter, you're definitely new here." sam said. you don't make food that often but when you make it.. you make the best food.

we wanted to start eating but then steve interrupted us "wait. where's buck?" he looked for him. "right here" bucky said coming out of the elevator. "y/n why didn't you wake him up?" steve said crossing his arms. "really? are you really questioning that right now?" pietro said. you smiled at him, he smiled back.

bucky sat down and we started to eat. "i feel like throwing a party again." tony spat. "finally. took you long enough." i said sarcastically. he laughed and continued eating.

when everyone was finished you cleaned everything up. they made a big mess. "oh god you all are such a mess" you said under your breath. "shut up" tony shouted from the living room. you smiled at him and chuckled a bit. bucky came into the kitchen. you sighed and continued to clean everything up. "oh god i feel like throwing up. the food was disgusting." he said to himself. "childish" you said, annoyed.

you called marcus to tell him that you're prepared enough to not practice anymore and thanked him. you were lying. you were just getting better than him and that's why he wasn't a good partner anymore. tony announced a party at 8pm through FRIDAY. you looked at your phone and saw that it's 3pm so you still had time. wanda and nat came up to you to ask you if you wanted to go shopping. you said no since you already have a dress that you could wear but they still convinced you to come. the boys (steve, bucky, sam, pietro) wanted to come with you again so you decided to call marcus and ask him if he maybe wanted to come too. you knew that bucky wouldn't like that too so that's even better. you still wanna know why he doesn't like him or him being with me. he wasn't even your boyfriend.

you got ready and as marcus called you, you went outside to him there with his fancy car. you went up to him and hugged him very tight. the others went with another car whilst you drove in marcus car. as you guys entered the mall you were searching for a fancy casual dress. you tried some on and let marcus rate them. you felt bucky's gaze on you the whole time. you finally found a dress you loved and marcus did too. as you wanted to go back to your cabin to change into your normal clothes. you saw that bucky was staring at you so you pulled marcus by his shirt and got into the cabin. you made out there and you pushed him out again. his hair was messy and there was some lipstick on his upper lip.

"you got something on your lip dude" you heard bucky say to marcus outside the cabin. "oh. thank you" you smirked the whole time while you were changing. am i using marcus? no why would i. when you were finished and paid for your dress, the girls weren't finished yet so you wanted to sit down but there was no place. "come here" marcus said. you sat on his lap and kissed his cheek. we waited for the others to finish and then went out of the store to eat some dessert. as y'all sat down to eat, a man came up to you.

"are you y/f/n?" he asked natasha. "no that's her sir." she pointed at me. "hello ma'am. can you come with me please i need to talk to you about something important." you were confused, as much as everyone. "uhh" only came out of you. "and for what?" bucky suddenly asked with a straight face. "that is none of your business sir, sorry. are you coming y/l/n" he asked again. "uh yeah sure" you stood up and looked at the others with a confused look. y'all went to a place in the mall where no one was.

"don't worry y/l/n i am not here to hurt you. not yet. but you're gonna get what you deserve because of what you did with our last agent." oh fuck.
"hail hydra" he said an walked away. you were panicking but not showing. you went back to the cafe and everyone was confused. "what did that guy want from you" piero asked. "oh nothing important." you said and put a forced smile on.

"are you sure? he seemed pretty professional" sam said. "yeah right? he was scary." nat chuckled as she took a sip from her milkshake. "it's nothing guys, i promise. i just met him once.. he.. was an one night stand.." what the fuck? he could be my dad. why did i just say that. "woah ok he must be very good if you would fuck HIM" sam said. "well yeah, you're right." you smirked and looked over to bucky who was completely red. but he noticed that something was off because of the way you looked, hesitated and the shaky hands.

marcus drove you home again and everyone else arrived some minutes after. you went up to your room to comprehend what just happened. i killed somebody. these thoughts where on your mind these past days and you hated it. you were scared of what could happen. 'you're gonna get what you deserve' what did he mean?

suddenly a knock on your door. you opened it and wanda and nat stood there with bags in their hands. "wanna get ready together?" wanda asked. you smiled, nodded and let them in. pietro came too. the four of you listened to music and got ready. you were finished after nearly an hour and it was time for the party. of course you were late. it's a must.

you entered the party and saw many unfamiliar faces dancing. marcus wasn't there. hmm. you texted him and he told you that he's busy with work and couldn't come sadly. actually you weren't that sad. that meant you could have more fun. wanda went and danced with a random guy and nat and you went to get some drinks. "two tequila please" you drank the shot as if it was water. "woah y/n with no hesitation" you turned around to see steve and bucky. you smiled at steve "never" you said, he smiled back.

steve offered nat a dance so it was just bucky and you. "y/n listen, i do not want to destroy your 'vibe' as you said the other day but i just really want to know what is happening. as you can see i haven't told anyone that you've killed somebody so that means you can trust me." bucky said, concerned and meanwhile you ordered another shot. "who was that guy today?" he asked. you drank your shot and turned to him, very close. "hydra" you said and walked away leaving him there in even more confusion now.

bucky was right. you could trust him. he didn't say anything to anyone yet, which was very nice but you still don't want to tell him anything. why would you? you both hate each other. it's not his business.

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