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you got woken up by someone shaking your body. "y/n wake up" you heard a voice saying multiple times. you opened your eyes and saw steve.
"what" you groaned as you realized you fell asleep in the training room.
"why are you sleeping in the training room?!" steve asked.

"uh.. i don't know. i guess i was just training last night and fell asleep then" you rubbed your eyes and sat down. you felt musty with all the dried out sweat on you and the messy hair.
"oh ok. stand up then, i don't think that's a comfortable place to sleep in"
he stretched out his arm for you to grab it. you grabbed it and he pulled you up.

you went straight to your room but steve stayed since he wanted to train. you took a very long and refreshing shower, maybe about 40 minutes. as you finished and got ready you went down to see the breakfast on the table already. although no one sat on the table yet, you still sat down, alone. you were just sitting there staring at nothing, being in another world in your head until tony brought you out of it. "good morning y/n. had a good sleep?"
he asked as he put the last pancakes on the table. you just groaned as a respond.
"i'm gonna take that as a yes although it isn't." he said and called everyone over to eat.

everyone sat down and started eating.
"y/n when are you finally gonna cook again? i missed it" peter asked. you smiled. "soon. just for you" you winked at him, he smiled back.

"tonight's the party right?" you asked as you took a bite from your pancake.
"yes. you know the rules." tony said and winked at you, you winked back.
"what rules?" scott asked and narrowed his eyes. you looked at tony and smirked. "be late. dress slutty. arrive like a motherfucker." tony said with his bitch voice and showed a peace sign. some started to laugh but bucky stayed serious. asshole.

2 hours passed and you were laying down in wandas bed, chatting with her while she put out everything she needed for the party. "i'm impressed" she suddenly said after breaking a short silence.
"impressed of what?" you asked in confusion. "i haven't seen you and bucky arguing in like a week. literally everyone noticed" she said sarcastically and chuckled. you put on a forced smile and didn't respond to it. why would you?

everyone noticed? why would they care? the thoughts were starting to come up again. "so what are you gonna wear on the party?" wanda asked you as she broke your thoughts. "it's a very nice tight dress, you'll see tonight" you smirked. "the party is at 7pm right?" she asked. "i assume it's at 8pm" you answered.
"yeah, for YOU" she said sarcastically and you both laughed.

some time passed and it was already 6:40pm so you decided to get ready. you went up to your room and turned on some music to get ready to. you put on your dress that was defining your curves and fit you perfectly.

bucky will love that one. you slapped your head as this thought came up on your mind.

nearly an hour later you were finished. this time you went up to the other party hall that is upstairs since the 'before christmas' party is always up there. you walked in and saw a full crowd. you looked through it and saw many unfamiliar faces. you noticed bucky. usually he always stares at you as you enter party's but this time he acted as if you were a complete stranger.

you sat down on the bar that was next to the glass wall that showed the whole view of new york city. it was a beautiful view.

you just sat there, drinking your drink, waiting for someone to come and flirt with you, kind of hoping that it would be bucky because he usually always did that. nat came up to you.
"you look stunning nat" you smiled at her
"thank you so much y/n. you look very beautiful as well." she smiled back and had a short chat. you noticed her staring at steve the whole time. you just knew that there's something going on between them. they always had this obvious tension. "how is he?" you asked as you took a sip from your drink.
"what? who?" she was confused.
"steve. come on i'm not stupid i know there's something going on" you nudged her arm playfully. she started to smile uncontrollably. "he's great." she looked down at her drink. "he's just not that experienced with girls so he needs to work on how to treat one gently but i'll show him" she chuckled, so did you.

suddenly you noticed bucky flirting with some blonde bitch. he looked so good tonight. he had his black suit on and his steel blue eyes were shining as always. they sat down on the bar and he ordered her some drinks. this ugly bitch made your blood boil. you just know that bucky did this on purpose, but he still didn't look at you for just one single moment. he was having fun with her instead of you which made you very angry, but you didn't show it. "y/n?! hello?!" nat brought you out of your other world.
"what are you staring at?!" she wanted to look back but you grabbed her face quickly and offered her another drink.

suddenly steve came along.
"hello lady's. you both look very beautiful." he smiled. you and nat thanked him and smiled back.
"i feel like dancing" nat said suddenly and sighed. you knew that she did that on purpose so you smirked at her.
"natasha romanoff, do you wanna dance with me?" steve offered her his hand and smirked. "i'd love to" she smiled and grabbed his hand. as they both walked to the dancing crowd she looked back at you and widened her eyes in excitement. you smiled and mouthed her "good luck" and clapped your hands silently.

you looked back at your drink and started to get a bit sad. you wished you had somebody like that too, somebody that you didn't need to keep a secret, somebody that wasn't avoiding you completely. you noticed pietro in the crowd with his new girl. she looked beautiful and so did he. they looked great together. he looked over at you and smiled, you smiled back and winked at him. you decided that you wanna get drunk, that's the best thing to shut down your thoughts and emotions. you ordered 3 shots and half a bottle of vodka in less than 10 minutes. you think that bucky noticed as he sat there with the girl but you didn't really care since you were already drunk.

"WOOOO CHRISTMAS IS IN 3 DAYS" you shouted as you walked into the dancing crowd. you were struggling to walk since you were drunk and in heels and nearly fell down but a stranger catched you. he looked very hot. "oh hello hot stranger" you said in a complete drunk and flirty voice.
"hot stranger?" he narrowed his eyes and smirked. "my name is noah. and you are?" he asked "very drunk" you responded. he laughed. "yeah i kind of noticed" he said sarcastically.

you had some small talk with noah but you were struggling since you were completely drunk. you just randomly kissed him whilst he was talking. thank god he didn't refuse or it would've been very awkward. you pulled away and apologized. "sorry i didn't mean to. i'm just very drunk right now and don't know what i'm doing" you shook your head. "it's not a big deal sweetheart" he said as he pulled in to kiss you again but as he touched your lips you refused.

"no noah, sorry i don't think this is right" he ignored you and kissed your neck like a starved man. "noah, no." he ignored you again and started to run his fingers down your back line to your ass and grabbed it as he started to kiss you again.
"noah please stop" you wanted to push him away but he grabbed you too tightly and you were too drunk at the moment. "i said stop" you repeated yourself multiple times. "shut the fuck up" he didn't stop. noah started to go down and kiss your dekolleté and then went back to your lips. you were repeating yourself the whole time.

before you could repeat yourself again someone punched him to the ground. you looked over and saw bucky.
"she said stop" he said aggressively. everybody in the crowd had the eyes on you three now. "who the fuck are you?! her boyfriend?!" noah chuckled and groaned at the pain the punch caused him. "yeah. now get the fuck out of this tower" he raised his voice at him. you didn't know what to do at the moment and too much was going on right now plus you were extremely drunk.

noah stood up and walked out. bucky looked at you with a straight face and looked away quickly.
did he just call himself my boyfriend?

nat, steve and tony went up to
"what the hell happened" tony asked. you were too drunk to respond but you still tried. "i uhh.. this guy was.. uh.. kissing and touching me without my consent and uh.. apparently bucky noticed and punched him before he could do uhm.. anything else to me." you did it.
"y/n i think you should go up to your room. you're very drunk" steve suggested, nat and tony agreed.

steve helped you to go up to your room since you couldn't even walk straight. as you both arrived you jumped on your bed and sighed loudly. steve handed you a bowl. "here. just in case" he smiled at you. you thanked him and he went back to the party.

wow this was a disaster.
..my boyfriend?!?!

secret benefits // bucky barnes x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now