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you and loki arrived downstairs and saw everyone in the living room and tony and wanda in the kitchen making breakfast. you both sat down and chatted a bit. the vibe between y'all was a little bit different because of what you told them yesterday. soon enough tony shouted at us to come eat.

everyone at the table was very quiet.
"ok what is this now" you said and put your food down. "what do you mean?" tony asked. "you guys are so quiet. i know it's because of what i told y'all yesterday, see, that's why i never told you." you said. "listen y/n, we're just disappointed that you've lied for us for more than 5 years. it's like we don't even know who you are." steve said softly. "yeah maybe you don't" you said angrily.

everyone staid quiet for the next few minutes. "you lied to me right?" bucky asked quietly. you looked at him with a confused look. "you saw me." he said. you hesitated but shook your head. "y/n you're hesitating the whole time. that's why you hate me so much isn't it?" he asked. you were nervous and didn't know what to do. "well at first-" you got interrupted by bucky

"i fucking knew it. why didn't you tell me?!?!" he said angrily. "let me speak. at first i hated you because of that, but in the meantime i forgot about what you did to me and was just pissed off because of your attitude."

"i did something to you?" he asked quietly. "don't worry bucky it's not a big deal." you said. "did she just call him bucky?" peter asked. everyone else looked confused too. you decided to ignore it. "well for me it is a big deal. i thought i left all this behind me." he said angrily. "don't get me wrong bucky, i wasn't mad at YOU, i was just scared. i acted like i couldn't stand you so you could stay away from me but it turned out that i really hate you" you stood up and went to your room.

you tried to hold back your tears but broke out in the elevator. you didn't even make any noises. you just stood there, tears streaming down your whole face again like the last time and your face turning red because of a headache. as the elevator door opened you saw pietro. he took the stairs and was upstairs in a second since he has these speed powers. you tried to hide your face and wipe your tears since you hate to show emotions but pietro pulled you in a tight hug which caused you to cry even more.

the hug felt good. very good. as you pulled away you looked at pietros shirt "now your shirt is full with tears and bogey" you both laughed. "sorry." you said and smiled at him. "don't be y/n. you know, even tho this is the first time i've ever seen you crying, you always have my shoulder to cry on." he smiled and you smiled back. "thank you piet. you know i love you." you hugged him again. "i love you more" he said.

you both went to his room since you didn't want to see bucky. he went to take a shower while you watched a movie. pietro came out with only a towel on. he had a scar on his abs. someone knocked on the door but you couldn't hear it. "damn piet i've never seen this one" you said as you touched his scar. "yeah this happe-" he got interrupted by the sound of an opening door. suddenly bucky stood there. of course he was thinking something wrong. pietro stood there literally half naked and you were touching his abs.

he nodded and walked out again. he slammed the door and pietro and you looked at each other. "what the fuck was that" he asked. "i don't know.. sorry piet i'm gonna be right back." you rushed out of his room to catch bucky in the elevator. "bucky!! wait"
you shouted and got into the elevator really quick. "it's not what it looks like" he said nothing. "pietro and i are like brother and sister. nothing is awkward between us. we have seen each other half naked already it's not a big deal, i just discovered a new scar on his abs." you said. he still didn't say nothing. "why am i even explaining myself to you? and why are you even mad? it's not like i'm yours anyway."

he turned to you very quickly. "say that again" he said with a deep voice. "i'm. not. yours." you said as you came very close to his face. suddenly you were pinned against the wall in the elevator. "don't you dare to put these words in your mouth ever again." he whispered aggressively. you got butterflies in your stomach. why the fuck am i having butterflies. stop. you were speechless.

you pushed him away but he pulled your waist against his body. you looked each other deep in the eyes. "ding" the elevator door opened and you pulled away very quickly. steve stood there and came in. "good thing i came in or something bad would've had happened." he said and chuckled. bucky and you looked at each other from behind steve and smirked.

steve got out on the same floor as you both to hang out with bucky a bit. shortly before the both of you closed your doors you looked at each other and smirked. you closed the door and pressed your back against it. gosh i love him so much. wait. WHAT. no. stop. i hate him.

you came out of what ever world you were in for a second and took a shower. as you came out of the shower tony announced a last minute mission through FRIDAY. oh yeah.. the hacking stuff.

tony, steve, sam, bucky, nat and pietro stood downstairs waiting for you. "come on y/n. this is your first mission" tony said. what the fuck? "this isn't my first mission dummy. i did the hacking stuff a million times already." you said and rolled your eyes. tony and steve looked at each other and steve sighed "y/n you have incredible powers. you're not gonna do that hacking stuff anymore." steve said. you didn't know what to do or what to say. you were shocked, confused, happy and way more at the same time.

"well then. let's go" you acted like you weren't a little bit scared. you had no idea what was waiting for you and you weren't prepared at all but you knew that you're gonna make it.

you felt buckys gaze on you in the quinjet the whole time as tony explained the plan. you couldn't focus because of him but you still got the plan.

you all arrived at the base that you wanted to explore with some agents that tried to make a new serum but it didn't work. y'all are gonna stop them before they do anything bad. no it was not hydra but they wanted to be like them.

the door was locked but you broke the lock with your powers. sam sent one of his drones inside to have the overview and tell us how many were in there. tony,  bucky, steve and pietro stormed in as nat and you tried to find the machine where they produced the serum.

sam found it and lead the both of you to it with his drone. as y'all got in there you destroyed it as much as you can. nat and you went separated ways to look for more agents. suddenly you saw bucky fighting against them. he knocked out most of them but then a guy appeared behind him with a gun pointed to his head.

bucky didn't see him but you quickly broke his neck with your powers. he turned around and saw the man on the ground and then looked up to you and smirked.

he went up to you and grabbed your waist but you pulled away "later" you smirked and looked for more agents.

secret benefits // bucky barnes x female readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ