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"wait i don't get it. were you terrified of him or did you hate him?" peter asked.

after you ate something you sat on the couch to rest a bit but then all of the avengers came up to you and asked what was exactly going on. you told them everything. well not exactly everything.. you skipped some things but let's not talk about that. they know what they necessarily need to know.

"well both i guess. i was so terrified of him at first that i didn't want him near me. i pretended to hate him so that he stays away from me. turns out i really do hate him."

no i actually do not hate him and i really do not know why i just said that. there was no need to hide anything anymore.

"well at least we can all agree that she's a very good actor" sam said sarcastically causing everyone to laugh.

you went to the kitchen to drink something and saw bucky on the kitchen island with a wine glass in his hand. "what's up bucky" you said as you filled up your glass with water.
"what a wonderful day" he said that very weirdly. you turned around to see him pouring more wine in his glass. bucky usually can't get drunk but the asgardian alcohol manages to do it.

you went up to him as you grabbed the bottle of wine. great. the asgardian wine. "bucky how much did you drink?"
you asked worried.
"maybe 2 or 20" he laughed then tried to stand up but he was way too drunk.
"oh god you're so dumb" you tried to help him walk so he could lay down on the couch that was currently free.
"you are mean" he poked his finger into your chest.
"i am very smart. you should've seen me in school in the 30s. i was amaaazing."
yes, he was definitely drunk.

"come one lay down" you laid him onto the couch. "how can someone be drunk at 12pm.. anyways have some rest ok?"
you put a blanket over him.
"don't try to be nice asshole"
he suddenly said.
"bucky you're way too drunk i don't think you want to do this now."
you were being mature this time.
"i hurt you didnt i?" he said with his eyes closed and a tired voice.
"that doesn't matter now" you smiled and sat on the couch that was beside his couch.

bucky fell asleep and so did you. you got woken up by steve. bucky was still asleep. "what do you want" you said with a tired voice as you turned around and put the blanket over your face.
"why the heck did you let him get drunk y/n we have a mission today"
steve whispered angrily.
"oh so this is my fault now?"
you put the blanket away.
"i went inside the kitchen and saw him there. i had nothing to do with this shit." you got a little bit angry. you hate it when people assume things that aren't right or never happened.
"oh sorry i thought you got drunk together." he said quietly.
"yeah maybe stop assuming things before doing any actions" you put the blanket over you again.
"and why would i get drunk with someone i hate" you mumbled into a pillow.
"uh oh i don't know. i won't bother you anymore. sorry." he walked away again.

"so we still hate each other huh" you heard bucky speaking suddenly.
"oh come on i really don't feel like talking about this." you said.
"i just don't understand how you always manage to do that" you put your head up and looked at him with confusion in your face. "you always manage to be such a bitch" he said under his breath.

you started to chuckle.
"you know.. every time when i start to think that the hate between us is disappearing, you always manage to make me hate you even more and more."
you stood up and walked away. you noticed him following you. he got into the second elevator since you were already on the way up with the other one. shortly before you entered your room you heard him shouting your name.
"wait!! y/n!! i'm sorry i didn't.. i didn't mean to i really don't know why i just said that." you kept quiet with a straight face.
"you really don't know how often i think about this. i think about a real friendship with you so often i just don't know what i can do to make you stop hating me. but now i realized that i am the one who also screws up and-" suddenly your lips smashed against his. you pulled away shortly "you talk to much" he pulled in again and melted into the kiss as your tongues met.

he grabbed your waist and you had your hands on his chest. he went down with his hands and picked you up from your ass. you wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. you both went inside your room and he kicked the door shut with his foot. he laid you down on your bed and got on top of you. you pulled away very quick
"wait. bucky. we can't. you have a mission." he couldn't get his eyes off of your lips "then let us have this moment" his lips touched yours again and you started to make out. he started to go down to your jawline and then to your neck as you both got interrupted.

"mr barnes, the mission starts in 10 minutes. the quinjet is already ready." FRIDAY said.
"why does she know that i'm here" he narrowed his eyes. you giggled.
"she knows everything" you gave him a last little kiss and moved him away from you. "come on stand up. the others are probably asking where you are" he stood up and made his way to your door to leave but looked back shortly before and smirked at you. you hid your smirk whilst biting your lip.

you went down and saw wanda, bucky, tony, scott, pietro, loki and peter ready to leave. you wished everyone good luck except for bucky since everyone still thinks you hate each other but when nobody saw it you winked at him.

everyone left and you walked into the living room where thor, sam and nat were. you sat down beside thor and chatted a bit.

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