"Well, if it's any consolation," Jungkook's tempted to glance at his co-worker, but he keeps his eyes on the road. "Besides the bit of stumbling, you seem pretty good. I've dealt with much worse than you."

"Good," Jimin huffs out a laugh. "I used to get blackout drunk in college. I thought it was fun back then, but one day I just woke up and realized how stupid I was being. I soon learned I had a phobia of throwing up, so my quality of life went up a ton after I stopped drinking enough to constantly vomit."

"Well, that's an encouraging story," Jungkook cocks his head to the side, brows furrowed with a smile. "Most people who drink that much don't realize that."

"Yeah, don't get me wrong, I love alcohol, like love it," Jimin put a hand up. "But I learned how to control myself. It was hard, but slowly I learned. Why don't you drink? That's kinda weird—oops that was rude, wasn't it? I'm sorry, you're too nice for that. I just meant I don't know many people who don't drink."

"No, it's okay, don't feel bad," Jungkook assured, eyes fixed on the road. "It's pretty simple, actually. My dad was an alcoholic. He wasn't abusive or anything like that, but he was a real asshole. My parents got divorced when I was young, but my dad didn't do anything afterwards. He got laid off a couple months prior to the divorce, and just never got another job, so my parents split the house. My mom and my siblings and I lived upstairs—where the kitchen and the bedrooms and all that stuff was—and my dad lived downstairs with a mini fridge and a microwave. He was really rude to my mom, which I hated more than anything, so we all ignored him. He was a dick because he was an alcoholic. Alcoholism runs in my family. All I knew was I didn't want to end up like him."

"Oh," Jimin frowned a deep frown. "That's so sad, I'm sorry."

"Hey, don't make that face," Jungkook half-chuckled, looking at Jimin as he approached a stop sign. "You shouldn't be sorry, it's really okay. He passed away about four years ago, of liver failure. They refused to put him on the transplant list due to his alcoholism—they knew he'd just ruin any new one he was given. I offered. I don't know why I did, but I offered him my liver. Our blood types weren't a match though, so I watched him slowly die. It was sad, he was an asshole, but I loved him...he was my dad after all. Sometimes I think I miss him, but we never had a good relationship, so I'm not always sure."

"Well that made me feel even worse," The frown didn't waver. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"No, Jimin, don't be," Jungkook shakes his head. "There's so many people in the world that have had it worse than me, and I really like my life now. You're drunk. Put away the pity, and save it for someone who really needs it."

"Alright fine, but only cuz your voice is so pretty," Jimin yawns. "It's comforting, makes me trust everything really is okay with you."

"Um, good," Jungkook found himself feeling slightly flustered. "I'm glad you like my voice."

"It's great," Jimin emphasized. "You're great. I really regret not getting to know you sooner."

"I do too," Jungkook agreed. "I don't know much about you, but you seem really nice."

"Well, my favorite color is blue, my favorite animal right now is a zebra," Jimin lists. "I'm a Libra—oh that rhymes!"

They pull in front of Jimin's house as Jungkook puts the vehicle into park. Jungkook chuckles yet again. "Well, that's a good start."

"How about you?" Jimin inquires.

"Yellow, rabbits, and I'm a Virgo," Jungkook answers, now starting at the older.

"Cool-" Jimin finally turns his head to look at Jungkook face to face. "Woah. I've always thought you were kinda attractive, but up close, you're really hot."

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