I'm not a heartless bitch, to not even cry. Everyone has a heart. Some people call me a heartless fool, but I do have a heart.

"Which one of you...is...Mr...Styles?" The nurse asked, in the middle of her sobs. It broke of the sad silence around us.

I raised my left hand, and rubbing my eyes with my right. "I'm Mr. Styles." I said, sucking in the tears Harry. "What's wrong?"

"Doctor said you were her boyfriend. Am I correct?" The nurse asked, waiting for eith a yes or a no.

I struggled a nod. "Y-yes. I'm her boyfriend or used to be I guess..." I sighed.

"Don't be down now. Things like this happens." An old lady, I mean nurse gave me a smile. A smile of hope. I wish. Okay no more wish stuff.

"Okay. Here's the thing. Dr. Davids found this note," The nurse, who was younger than the old one, held a white envelope. "it was found in Ms. Rayson's slacks when us nurses changed her clothes. We didn't know what or for who this note is, so we decided to let you have it." She passed me the white envelope. The envelope smelled just like her. Berry scent.

"Is that the last thing you managed to find?" Niall asked.

"Well, there's also her phone. Maybe you would like to take it too." The other nurse gave Niall the phone. He was holding the phone with all his strength. I know he wants Dani to awake again.

"I guess kiddos, we'll leave you with her." The old nurse said. She started to walk and the two other nurses followed. When she passed by us, me and Niall, she whispered. "Good luck you two. Never lose hope." Then they were out.

That old nurse was really kind enough, but, she just doesn't know the whole dilemma here. But I appreciate her for that. 

"Harry, I think you should open that envelope." Liam said, you can still here him sob. Even though he looks like he stopped, but he didn't. 

I nodded. The crisp envelope was the only thing keeping us from one of Dani's last words. Tore off the side of the envelope, and a note slipped out. I looked at everyonee and they gave me a nod. When I took my breath, I opened the note. It was a long letter, but it was all Dani's writing.

Dear Harry or Niall,

I just want you both to know that, you both are my world. I wrote this letter a while ago in the van when me and Niall were asleep. I was awake because I wanted to write this. Thing is that, I was gonna give the note when we got back to the flat. Because probably you'll both find it. And read this and maybe it would change something. You both aren't that close to each other, and I know you both wanna fight to the death. (Don't pretend that you don't.) Yes, I've noticed.

And Harry, I so do not hate you. The only thing is that your attitude manners. But i love you so much! Niall, you're an awesome mate, since the X Factor. You're just like me in so many ways, especially during eating. :) I love you too. I'm messed up because of this. I love you both, but at the same time, I love one of you more than the other. But I won't say, because I wouldn't want to risk hurting your feelings. Remember, I love you both either way. No hard feelings if you know who I love more, because...uh...it was for your own sake too.

Please tell these to the others. Thank you for being there for me :) Here's for Louis, never prank me ever again. Y'all are like my older siblings, which I never even had. I hope you guys get married soon hehe. Love you to bits mates!!

I wish I could write for longer but I'm so tired already. 

Remember when I said "The one I give my first to, is my love." Well, probably you don't remember. But that's it. Okay. Since I never gave anyone my first kiss, no one knows who I really love.

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