They Turn Into A Toddler

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Alastor: He's very happy and loves to make new friends. Sometimes he waddles over to you with his little baby feet and tells you he made a new friend whom is most likely little Vox, sucking on a lollipop. He's not shy at all, which can get dangerous, because he sometimes meets strangers and happily invites them over even though it's Hell and no one fucking cares about kid's lives. 🥰

"Y/N! Lookie, lookie, I made a new friend!" - Little Alastor

*Continues To Suck On Lollipop* - Little Vox

Charlie: Surprisingly, she's shy. She usually hides behind you or Lucifer's feet whenever she meets new people, the only person she trusts herself around are you, Lucifer, Lilith, and Vaggie. She always starts crying when she can't find you or Lucifer, but when she does, she instantly clings onto you/him.

"Papa..?" - Little Charlie

Vaggie: She gets mad easily. Whenever someone tries to pick her up, especially Angel, she starts yelling angrily, throwing her little arms around. She only allows you pick her up, nobody else. One time, Angel tried picking her up, she slapped him right across the face.

"ARGH!" - Little Vaggie *Chases Angel With Spear As She Struggles To Hold It*


Angel-Dust: He's really bratty and he gets fussy when you don't show him attention. When you do, he sticks his tongue out at whoever you were showing attention to instead of him and rubs it in their face that he has your attention now. Every time he sees Valentino, he starts crying and runs over to you. Poor kid..

"I want a hug too.." - Little Angel-Dust

"Oh I didn't know you wanted one too, Angel." - Y/N

Husk: The most grumpiest child you've ever seen in your entire damn life, he always hits people with glasses or random things. Especially at little Alastor, this kid just has a burning hatred for him. 😭

"Husk, stop telling Alastor to get out. He's actually trying to do it." - Y/N

Blue: Like Charlie, he's really shy. You're always trying to get him interact with people, but he can't. The only time he looks comfortable, is when he's around Alastor which is all the time. When you notice Alastor's not with him, you start panicking, thinking something bad happened to him. Blue, to no surprise, cries whenever you or Alastor aren't with him which is how you know Alastor is wandering off somewhere.

"Blue, please stop crying! We'll find Alastor—ALASTOR, GET OFF THE COUNTER!" - Y/N

Lucifer: The most bossiest little shit you've ever encountered, whenever you try and tell him off, scold him, boss him around, he will smack you..No hesitation. He always hits Mammon, making him start crying and hit him back, causing a panic to come out of you. Lilith always tries playing with him, but he gets so annoyed of her bullshit that he shoves her to the ground with a frown.

"Lucifer, stop attacking Mammon!" - Y/N

"You cwan't twell me wat to do!" - Little Lucifer

"Yes I can actually, because I'm physically older than you!" - Y/N

"I DON'T CWARE!" - Little Lucifer *Hits Mammon With A Toy Truck*


Vox: He gets jealous really easily, he always stomps his foot aggressively yet cutely when you don't show him attention. When he was turned into a child, he wasn't in his TV-head form, instead he was in his non-TV-head form. He looked really annoyed and bored whenever Alastor attempted or even took one single try to befriend him, making you feel bad for him. Your pity for Alastor made envy erupt in Vox' body.

"Y/N! I want you to pway with me, not with Awastor!~" - Little Vox

"The three of us can play together." - Y/N

"NO! PWAY WITH ME! AND ONLY ME!" - Little Vox Jealous Asf

Valentino: This cocky little shit loves hitting and scaring Angel, making you always drag him away from him (Angel). He keeps hugging Vox and clinging onto him, annoying tf out of him. I'm basically saying he's a brat and he's clingy.

"Y/NN, let me hug you!" - Little Valentino 🥺

"Val, you already hugged me 2 minutes ago!" - Y/N

"That's too long~" - Valentino

Velvet: She's really playful and mischievous, she always throws things around at other kids, making you panic. Probably because she threw an apple at little Lucifer, pissing him off so bad to the point he got into his demon form as Mammon laughs his ass off from where he is. Yet, Velvet can be loving, she usually curls up into a little ball on your lap with a giggle that makes you just melt.


Robo Fizz: Like Blue to Alastor, Fizz will only be comfortable around Mammon. Fizz is also always asleep, he wakes up when he can't has the feeling Mammon wasn't there, Fizz wouldn't start panicking, he'd actually calmly start looking for him unlike Blue. You'd probably find Mammon hitting Lucifer with toys..

"Damn it, you're just like Blue, Fizz. We'll find Mammon, okay-" *Gets Cut Off* - Y/N

"Mammy!" - Little Robo Fizz *Runs To Mammon Still Crying*

Mammon: He's really cocky, also greedy for your attention like Vox, Angel, and Valentino. When he doesn't get it, he'd begin throwing stuff at you angrily. You all probably know it's his job to piss off Lucifer and throw blocks at him at him, angering Lucifer to the point he gets in his demon form like Velvet made him do..Mammon also hit him with a toy gun, making Lucifer scream angrily and painful, attacking Mammon.


"NO! HE DESERVES IT!" - Mammon


Verosika Mayday: She knows how to charm people into giving her stuff. But for some reason, she finds herself not being able to do that to you, she must love you too much to do that. She usually holds your hand or Vortex' whenever you all are together. She likes cuddles too! :)

"Verosika, would you please stop lying to Alastor that you'll give him your strawberries if he gives you his stuffed deer..? Please?" - Y/N

Vortex: He's the only one well behaved and calm, whenever you tell him to do something, he listens. Whenever someone takes something from him, he doesn't do anything, he just looks for something else to play with. You honestly wish all of them were like this. 😔

"Why can't you guys be like Vortex??" - Y/N -_-

Arackniss: I'm pretty sure he was the only one that was turned into a teenager instead of a toddler. He's helping you take care of the children so they don't kill anyone, kill themselves, or piss off demons. One time, Angel kept grabbing Arackniss' floof tightly and roughly, annoying him yet amusing you.


This Was Probably Boring..To Me It Was, Because I Actually Fell Asleep Through Half Of It. AND, THATS ON PERIOD, HAHAHAHAHA!

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