#79 Tyler Seguin Imagine

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(Bold lines are from the song Gravity by Sara Bareilles. Go listen. I love that song.)

“Something always brings me back to you… It never takes too long…” 

You curled your knees up to your chest and tried to even your breathing. This was how you felt every time Tyler left. You and him would do your business and he’d leave without another word. For the next week or two you would feel like shit, promising yourself you wouldn’t do it again, and then he’d call… and like an addict you’d agree. You just desperately wanted to get a fix.

I never wanted anything so much… Than to drown in your love and not feel your rain…”

The problem wasn’t that you didn’t love him. The problem was that you did. When you were just friends it wasn’t a big deal that you’d use each other for sex. But then you had to start seeing him for the good guy he is and you found yourself wanting him more. Not wanting to be ONE of his girls, but to be his ONLY girl.

“Are you free?” Tyler asked on the other end of the phone.

You didn’t respond quickly, knowing that no matter what you answered you wouldn’t be happy.

“Yeah.” You responded almost flatly.

“Good. I’ll be over in a minute, Sugar.”

Time and time again you hoped that he would stay for a minute longer. You wished he’d look over at you and see you. To see that you were in love with him, and that you wanted to be more for him.

“Ty, wait…”

You stopped him as he got ready to head for your door. He paused and looked back at you with a clearly annoyed expression. You felt the words right behind your tongue; ready to be released.

“What?” He asked.

You felt your courage dissolve. Slowly, you sank back into the pillows.

“Nothing. Good luck at the game tonight.” You replied, defeated.

“Thanks. I’ll call you.”

And just like that you were back into his grasp. Forced to wait until next time to speak up. Once the room was empty again, his light having left you once more, you would let yourself say the words they hadn’t spoken before.

“I love you, Tyler.”

“Something always brings me back to you… It never takes too long.”

So, I’m in a weird mood. Sorry. Uh, I felt inspired by the song Gravity by Sara Bareilles and I just started thinking about one of the request and how it would kind of suck to be used… I know whoever requested probably wanted some kind of smutty FWB thing, but I don’t know. I was just feeling this. If you hate it I guess you can re submit and ask for Emily who writes smut haha. 


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