Roofie Me Up, Baby

Start from the beginning

When we entered the gym, we were greeted with the sound of obnoxiously loud pop music, teenagers all dressed in scanty costumes, and LED lights blinding us.

'Is this what hell looks like?' I wondered with a grimace as I tried not to wince at the volume of the track playing.

"Well, isn't this lovely?" I vaguely heard Gray mutter sarcastically from the right of me. I nodded my head in agreement.

"How long do we have to stay?" John shouted from my left.

I didn't look at him as I continued to look at the crowd in front of us. "Long enough until Bertinelli's men spot us. Then I can pretend to get the keys from Scarlett who is going to arrive in about fifteen minutes." I explained, trying to be loud enough so they could hear me, but not too loud in case in Bertinelli's men were already in place.

Elle hummed quietly.

"I have to go mingle so that my father won't get suspicious, but I'll send you a signal when I see his men." She informed us before throwing me a wink and then getting swept into the crowd.

I swallowed thickly.

"You think she'll be okay?" Ben asked and I allowed a small smirk.

"No offense, Ben, but Elle could easily chop your balls off and feed them to a tiger if she wanted to." I told him amusedly. "I think she can handle a few teenagers."

Ben didn't seem convinced by my words, but I simply walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. When he looked me in the eye, I saw just how concerned he was.

'Poor kid is whipped beyond reason.'

"Elle will be perfectly fine, Ben." I repeated, giving him a serious look. Ben bit his lip, still not seeming any better, but I only smiled at him. "You don't give her enough credit." I finished before noticing the punch station.

"Bloody hell, I'm thirsty." I muttered as I walked over to the punch station that was in front of the bleachers. When I approached it, I saw Mrs. McCray manning (or womaning) the table in a witch costume.

She gave me a warm smile when she saw me and began to hand me a small plastic cup with a red liquid in it.

"Hello, Grace! It's a nice surprise to see you at a dance." She stated kindly, her eyes crinkling with content. "You never come to these kinds of functions." She pointed out.

I threw my head back and laughed heartily as I took the cup. "You're not wrong there." I replied with a grin on my face.

"But my friends and I were only planning on staying for a bit before going to the movies." I told her, lying smoothly as I moved my head to look at the boys who were chatting with some of the football players. A soft smile graced my lips when I saw John laugh.

'He looks like a normal, happy teenager.'

"I'm glad you've found yourself some lovely friends, Grace." Mrs. McCray's words broke me from my thoughts as I looked back at her. She was giving me the same look my nan gave me when I told her about the new song I learned to play on the piano.

"Me too." I responded, my voice quiet, but I could tell she heard me when I saw her smile widen.

I felt a presence behind me and stopped myself from whipping my head around.

"Hello there, John." Mrs. McCray greeted cheerfully.

'Of course it's John.'

"Hey, Mrs. MC." I heard John greet from behind me. I turned around and arched a brow at him.

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