I don't judge you. I could never. (chapter 20)

Start from the beginning

,,Can we forget dinner?" I managed to ask and suddenly Riley started crying.

,,Riley says no." Shawn said and we both started laughing. ,,Save this for later." He said and picked my lips before he got off of me and walked into the kitchen.

I will never forgive Riley for this.

I sat up on the couch while I was trying to calm down from the rush of adrenaline and watched Shawn doing whatever he was doing in the kitchen. He was looking so good without even trying.

I finally decided to stand up and go to Riley as she started to cry again. I picked her up from her bed and immediately smelled that she pooped in her diaper.

I changed her diaper quickly and then walked with her in the kitchen where Shawn started to prepare dinner.

,,I'll make Riley some carrots purée." I said and started preparing it while I held Riley over my shoulder.

,,I can do it. You should relax." He said, kissed my cheek and took the stuff away from me.

,,Fine..." I said and then sat on the kitchen counter with Riley in my lap.

I watched him all the time and was probably staring, but I couldn't care less. I still couldn't believe he was MY boyfriend.

I was so thankful that he opened up to me and told me about the past year. He didn't tell me in detail, but I wasn't expecting him to do that. It was probably hard enough for him to tell me what he told me.

I was happy that he can open up to me and I hoped he really wasn't thinking that I was judging him because I wasn't and I'll never judge him.

He's one of the three people I can call family. I could never judge my family. I love him, I love Addison and I love Riley. I love all of them in different ways, but at the same time equally.

,,What are you thinking about?" Shawn asked interrupting my thoughts. I probably zoned out and that's why he noticed I was thinking about something.

,,About how much I love you, Riley and Addison." I said and he looked at me with a smile on his face.

,,Go on." He said and that made me giggle.

,,I love you all in different ways, but equally. You know what I mean?"

,,I know." He said and then gave me a soft kiss.

While he was cooking, I only sat on the kitchen counter and gave him some advice. He wouldn't let me do more so I just kept him company.

As the carrots purée was ready, I gave it to Riley and after she ate it, I walked with her in her room and rocked her until she fell asleep. I placed her in her bed, turned off the lights, exited her room and closed the door.

As I walked back in the kitchen, Shawn was looking at me with a smile and I noticed that next to him the food was ready.

,,You wanna give a critic to the chef?" He asked and that made me giggle.

,,Yes!" I said excited and made my way to  the table.

He pulled my chair for me to sit down and then made his way to the other chair to sit face to face with me.

I started eating the spaghetti and I was shocked! It was soooo good! I never ate something that tasted so good.

,,Holy shit!" I said and moaned.

,,Is it that bad?" He asked with an worried expression

,,NO! Even the total opposite! It's freaking amazing!" I said and moaned again as I continued eating.

,,You're exaggerating." He said and chuckled.

,,I swear I'm not. It's freaking amazing. From now on you are the one that makes the spaghetti. I'm not getting in your way from now on, chef." I said and that made him laugh lightly.

,,If you say so."

,,I mean every word. This is a masterpiece!" I said and he started blushing.

Why is he so cute!? Like how can a person be so freaking cute!?

We ate the spaghetti while I was complimenting his cooking skills all the time. He was saying that I was exaggerating, but I wasn't!

,,I'll take the plates." I said after we ate wanting to wash them.

,,You can forget it. I told you to relax." He said and tried to take the plates away from me, but I didn't let them go.

,,You cooked, now I wash the dishes. That's how it works." I said trying to make him let go of the plates.

,,Nope. I cook and I clean up. If I start something then I also have to finish it. That's how it works." He said and tried to take the dishes away from me, but I didn't let go.



We both looked each other deep into the eyes and none of us wanted to give up.

,,None of us is gonna win this. You know that?" He asked.

,,I'm totally aware of it."


,,Any idea?"

,,I wash yours, you wash mine."

,,Deal." I said and only handed him my plate.

We both walked at the same time to the sink and bumped lightly into each other.

,,Ladies first." He said and I giggled at what of a gentleman he was.

While I was washing his dishes, I felt his eyes on me and that caused massive butterflies in my stomach. I put the stuff away and then turned around to be met with his gaze.

,,Your turn." I said and walked away from the sink.

He started washing the dishes and I couldn't help but stare at how his muscles moved while he was washing a few simple dishes. He probably felt my gaze and after he put the stuff away, he leaned against the sink and looked me up and down.

No one in my life has ever brought butterflies in my stomach by just looking me up and down.

I jumped to sit on the kitchen counter while we were still looking at each other, not knowing what to do, but knowing exactly what we wanted to do.

Shawn finally made the first step and walked closer and closer to me. As he was just inches away from me, he placed his palms on the kitchen counter on both sides of me.

My breath got heavier and my heart started racing in my chest. He positioned himself between my legs and we just looked each other deep in the eyes.

I was feeling his breath hitch as I started moving my hands up his arms. Our heartbeats had the same hysterical rhythms and now I knew that I had the same effect on him that he had on me.

His hands were still on the same spot while mine traveled to the end of his shirt. I couldn't stop myself from reaching under his shirt again to feel his skin against my.

That's when he totally gave in and crashed his lips against mine. I moved my hands in his hair to hold him in place while he held his hands firmly on my back.

,,Bedroom....please..." I managed to say between kisses.

,,You sure?" He asked and we stopped for a moment to look each other in the eyes.


Was the wait worth it?.....😅

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