chapter 46

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    Mornings weren't always Y/N's most
liked thing. She never really liked to wake up at the crack of dawn, never liked to hear her alarm blaring, never liked to be interrupted from her sleep by anyone. You could say she was a bit lazy when it came to waking up, especially on school days, but sometimes, and I mean sometimes, she would wake up for certain people.

    Certain people named Hermione Granger.

    The feeling of hands threading through her hair woke her slowly, not really paying attention to where she was, rather the feeling. She could feel someone's body underneath her, fingers softly caressing her hair. There were covers on her, so she knew she was in her bed. It was silent, no noise coming from any direction. She didn't care where she was, she just relished in the moment.

    With her arms wrapped around someone's waist, her head on a chest, she nuzzled her face into it, slightly tightening her hold around the person. A soft giggle was heard in response, a small smile immediately creeping up to her lips as she knew exactly who it belonged to.

"Good morning, my love," Hermione said softly, looking down at the girl in her chest. She wore a small grin as she ran her fingers through her hair gently, watching her intently. She observed how Y/N said nothing for a moment, rather didn't move at all, not making a sound. After a few seconds, Y/N inched herself up Hermione's body, placing her head onto her shoulder facing her neck. Still not responding to her, she started to place soft kisses to the skin, lazily and tiredly pecking.

Deciding on allowing her to do so, Hermione craned her neck to the side the slightest bit, her hand still softly running through her hair and the other resting on Y/N's bare waist. Both were still naked under the covers and sheets, but neither seemed to care. A few moments had passed when Y/N stopped pressing her lips to her neck, and instead, just decided to snuggle in closer towards her.

"Morning, Mione," she finally said, her voice a bit low and raspy from just waking up. Hermione felt her heart flutter, a small smile on her face. She let out a sigh as she placed a kiss to her head. "Sleep well," she asked, a nod being felt against her shoulder in response.

"Mhm," Y/N hummed out tiredly, "Thank you for last night. I enjoyed it," she stated softly, Hermione giving a small giggle. "I'm glad you liked it, I was a bit nervous. I didn't know if you would," she muttered sheepishly, Y/N picking up her head to look at her as Hermione looked down.

"Well, I did. You don't know how much I loved it. Really, you looked gorgeous and all, but then again, you always do," murmured Y/N, her eyes dancing along the bushy-haired girl's face intently. She always liked to scan each detail when they woke up together, it was one of her favorite things to do.

𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕞𝕖 𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕕𝕖𝕣. (𝕘𝕩𝕘)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin