chapter 32

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"He seems to be having fun."

"Seems, or is," Y/N snickered to Corey, the group watching the boy in the center of the room as red and gold confetti fell from the ceiling. "He's even got his little fandom," Brett chuckled out, a crowd surrounding him as they cheered his last name.

"You really shouldn't have done it," Hermione said as she stood next to Y/N, watching her best friend. Sofia hummed in agreement as she looked at Ron with a small smile, "Yeah, he won at unfair costs, but he's happy, so I'll allow it."

"We know," Harry replied simply, looking at Ron as he smirked. Y/N let out a small laugh, "I suppose we could've used the Confundus Charm," she teased, Hermione giving her a playful glare as they all laughed. "That was different. That was tryouts. This was an actual game," she defended quickly, Brianne snickering. "I don't know, I like dangerous Mione. I don't get to see her very often."

Jenna snickered as Karan let out a laugh. Harry and Y/N looked at each other as he reached into the pocket of his shirt, her reaching into the pocket of her hoodie. They both held up completely untouched vials to their friends, not a drop missing. "You two idiots didn't put it in," Sofia trailed off, both of the cousins shaking their head. "Ron only thought you did."

"No wonder you're a Ravenclaw, Sof," Y/N spoke with a chuckle, her and Harry grinning as they looked back to Ron. Hermione looked at her girlfriend impressed, "Using that brain of yours, are we?" Y/N gave a shrug, "It sparks an idea every once in a while."

The two stared at each other with smiles before even louder cheering caused them to turn, their eyes widening as they saw Lavender and Ron kissing in the middle of the crowd. "Oh, wow," Corey breathed out, Jenna letting out a loud laugh. "Bloody hell, alright, Ronald," she mumbled, the group of friends laughing. However, one person wasn't, Y/N turning around to see Sofia's mouth parted and her eyes slightly glossed over.

Sofia quickly made her way through the crowd of people behind her, disappearing as Y/N's eyes followed. She turned to Harry, the boy smiling at the sight as she nudged him with her elbow. He turned to her as she nodded in the direction of Sofia's retreating figure, his grin falling flat as he realized what had just happened.

The two excused themselves from their friends as they made their way into the hallway corridor outside, no sight of the girl anywhere. It wasn't until they walked down a small hallway did they hear sniffles and small cries. Harry pulled Y/N towards a staircase, their faces softening at the sight.

Sofia sat at the bottom of the staircase with paper birds flying above her, her back turned to them. They both shared a look as they quietly and slowly made their way towards her, making sure to not make any noise. Sofia turned around quickly when she heard a rustle, frantically wiping away her tears as the two cousins stood over her with saddened looks.

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