chapter 13

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    Harry and Y/N stood in Dumbledore's office, the man seated quietly in front of them behind his desk. He seemed to be holding the journal that the cousins killed Tom Riddle with in second year, when the two had saved Ginny Weasley. There was a large, gapping hole in the middle from where they had stabbed the tooth into, it splitting write through the pages.

    The two cousins still had that mysterious Potions textbook, the two alternating with keeping it in their possession. They didn't know what it was, just that it seemed to hold more secrets and information that others didn't know. Not even Hermione. They hadn't really told anyone about the book, their friends being the only ones to know. They all just waved it off, though. Stated that it was just a coincidence that everything written down was true. Harry would keep the book some nights, then Y/N would.

    Dumbledore looked down at the destroyed journal for a moment before he looked to the two in front of him, the children holding blank expressions. The fire of the fireplace next to them emitted soft red and orange light throughout the room, the headmaster giving a huff and placing the book down into a cabinet of his desk before he closed the shelf.

     "Thank you, you two, for coming so quickly at my message," he said softly, "How are you both?" Y/N and Harry's shared a small glance as the boy rocked back and forth on his feet, the girl standing with her hands behind her back, her fingers twiddling with each other. "We've been doing well, sir," she answered quietly. Dumbledore nodded. "Enjoying your classes?" Harry gave a solid nod.

    "I know Professor Slughorn is most impressed with the both of you," he replied nonchalantly, the two's lips quirking up into a small smile. "We feel like he overestimates our abilities, sir," Harry said with a soft laugh, Dumbledore quietly scoffing. "Do you?" Y/N let out a breathy laugh, "Most definitely."

     The three quietly laughed together before Dumbledore grew curious again. "What about your activities outside of the classroom," he questioned, the two's faces falling into a confused look. "Care to elaborate on that, professor," Y/N responded. Dumbledore looked to Harry. "Well, I notice you spend a great deal of time with Miss Granger... I can't help wondering if—"

    "Oh, no, no. I mean she's brilliant and we're friends, but—"

    "Hermione is my girlfriend, sir," Y/N finished with a small smile, a soft laugh leaving her lips. Dumbledore's lips turned upwards into a small grin. "Forgive me, Harry. I was merely curious. As for you, Miss (Y/L/N), congratulations. You two make a wonderful couple. After all, I could tell there might've been something between you two since third year."

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