chapter 38

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    For it being late December, it was definitely a bit warmer than usual to Y/N. Or maybe that was because she had been nothing but practicing with Harry, Ron, and Ginny for the past two hours.


   The four had been on the Quidditch pitch in the backyard for a while now, although, none of them were complaining. Ginny and Ron seemed to love their new brooms, and Y/N and Harry couldn't be happier to see them so carefree, especially with the circumstances and events of the past few days.

    Fred and George even came out a few times to check up on them, and, of course, light a few fireworks they were testing out. It was a bit cold out, and snow was falling, but still, with them practicing formations and playing, it was warm to them. They didn't even wear their practice uniforms, or anything like that, really. They were still in their pajamas with a coat. Within an hour, however, those coats and jackets were discarded as they started to get hot, sweat.

    Now, the four walked back to the house, going through the back porch entrance and into the kitchen, which was right next to the dining room. As soon as they stepped foot back into the manor, an overwhelming amount of heat hit them. It was probably from the fireplaces lit around the house, but then again, it could also be the heating system.

    The four walked to the fridge near the island in the middle of the room, Y/N wasting no time in reaching for the handle and grabbing a few bottles of water from the fridge. Harry and Ron were drenched in sweat as their sweatshirts were a bit damp, Ginny fanning herself off as she took off her hoodie to reveal a t-shirt underneath, propping herself up onto the counter of the island to sit and rest. She played with the strings of her sweatpants as Y/N handed out waters, the three not wasting time in popping the caps off and gulping it down.

    "I don't think I've ever played Quidditch for so long," Ron muttered as he let out a deep breath, "Those brooms are bloody fast. Almost knocked myself off of it when you threw the quaffle at me, Harry."

    Harry gave a nod as he leaned against the counter next to Ginny, propping his elbows up underneath him. "That's good, means the brooms really work. I'd hope so, too. Y/N and I spent ages looking for them. Started to think we'd been searching for nothing," he sighed out, taking a sip of water.

    Y/N gave a soft laugh as she looked to the clock on the wall, it reading just a bit past noon. Feeling herself drenched in sweat underneath her sweatshirt and sweatpants, she looked to the three and started to make her way from the kitchen to the hallway.

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