chapter 27

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    "He invited you, too," Y/N asked, Corey giving a nod. "I have him the period after you, seems to take a liking towards me," he answered, "Karan and Jenna have Potions with me, but they didn't get an invite."

    "Not surprised," Y/N replied, flipping through the textbook in front of her as the two sat at a table near the back of the library. "He seems to be inviting his favorites. He asked Harry and I to join along with Sofia and Hermione, but totally disregarded Ron and Brett that were sitting across the table from us at the Three Broomsticks."

    Corey gave a small snicker, "Oh, Brett told me about it. Went on a whole rant to me and Karan about how he called him 'Greggory' instead of 'Gray', and called Ron 'Wallenby'," he spoke with a chuckle, leaning back in his chair, "Though, Brett can get a bit ticked off easily. You know him."

    Y/N gave a hum of agreement as she wrote down notes, "I suppose. Anyway, the dinner is tonight, and quite honestly, I'm not looking forward to it." Corey gave her a skeptical look, "Why's that?" She gave a huff, "McLaggen will be there," she muttered, "And I don't know how much more time will pass before I put a dent in his head."

    "He still hasn't apologized for what he did to Hermione," he asked, receiving a shake of her head. "Cormac will almost always never apologize, especially since he thinks he's perfect. Quite honestly, Hermione said she doesn't want an apology, rather he just plainly not interact with her."

    "I don't blame her," Corey cut in, "I wouldn't want that git around me either. Not to mention he hits on every girl, so she wouldn't be anything special to him. He was eyeing Brianne and Jenna in the hall on the way to Transfiguration the other day, but both of them gave him a piece of their mind and he didn't look at them the rest of the day."

    Y/N snickered as she closed her textbook, putting some pieces of parchment into her bag. "Those two honestly could make him cry with their words. The two of them together is scary, especially when they're upset," she said, packing up her things. Corey started to place his books and notes in his bag as well. "Oh, trust me, I'm well aware," he muttered, "They still go after me for eating their Cauldron Cakes, and that was in second year."

    Y/N laughed as she slung an arm over his shoulder, the two heading towards the doors of the library. "To be honest, Cor, that was mostly on you. They literally had the names 'Brianne' and 'Jenna' on them, not to mention in black marker." Corey gave her a scoff as he rolled his eyes, "I was hungry."


    "So tell me, Cormac, do you see anything of you Uncle Tiberius these days?"

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