chapter 22

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    Y/N let out a small groan as Madam Pomfrey pressed a damp towel to her side, her face scrunching up with pain. The woman dabbed some of the blood off of her cut as she quickly retreated her hand. "Sorry, dear. Nasty spell you took, seems as though you managed to get a few cuts and bruise your ribs."

    Y/N didn't answer as she gave a solid nod, Madam Pomfrey trying to clean the wound softer with her touch. Her side was a dark shade of black and blue, a large gash on top where blood trickled out. It turns out that when Harper collided with Y/N, part of his broom had scratched her in the process.

    She said nothing more as the woman tended to her wound, softly pressing the damp towel to her skin as before she rummaged through the bedside cabinet. Silence took over the empty Hosptial Wing as Y/N sat on the cot, trying to ignore the searing sensation in her side. She laid back onto the bed as she placed her head down onto the pillow, closing her eyes with a sigh.

    "How long do you think I'll be out, Madam," she asked quietly, not opening her eyes. She heard shuffling next to her and the slamming of a cabinet door. "Oh, sweetie, you should be able to get back onto the field within a week. No practice until then, though. I don't want you risking your injuries any further," Pomfrey said, getting a few bandages from the cabinet.

    Y/N let out soft hum in response as the sound of the Hospital Wing door opening and frantic footsteps being heard made her slowly open her eyes. She propped herself up on her elbows as she picked herself up, looking to the entrance. Hermione was worriedly searching the room, her eyes darting everywhere. Within a few seconds, she caught a glimpse of Y/N, practically running over to her.

    "Oh, my love," Hermione muttered out, making her way towards the cot next to her. Her eyes caught sight of the large gash on her side, the bruising color surrounding it. Her face scrunched up in disgust and worry as she observed it. Madam Pomfrey started to work at the wound with gauze, bandaging and wrapping the material around the middle of her torso. Y/N had to contain a low groan as she felt the woman push a little too hard when she finished, trying to bite her lip in hopes of stopping herself.

    "There we go, all patched up," Pomfrey spoke with a small smile, putting the bandages back in the cabinet. "The bruising should go away in a week or so, and for the cut, maybe two. I'll go get some medicine for you real quick, it'll help with the pain." She turned around swiftly and made her way towards her office across the room, gently slamming the door as Hermione and Y/N were left alone.

    Y/N's head was back on the pillow with her eyes screwed shut as the pain in her side started to grow, no doubt from the gauze wrapping tightly around it. She let out a deep exhale through her nose as she laid still, her Quidditch jersey pulled up a bit so that her wound was accessible.

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