chapter 11

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   "History of Magic is upstairs, ladies," Miss McGonagall called out, "Not down!" She pursed her lips together as she looked away from the girls to a boy. "Mr. Davies! Mr. Davies! That is the girls' lavatory," she yelled, but he was already gone. She gave a huff as she turned around, being met with the sight of three friends.

     Y/N, Harry, and Ron were all standing on one of the ledges, laughing with each other. She gave them a bored look. "(Y/L/N), Potter," she called out, the two cousins turning to look at her. Their smiles immediately fell, Ron's lip going flat. "This definitely won't be good," the girl muttered, her and Harry stepping down from the ledge and walking towards the woman in the crowded hall.

    She gave a bored shake of her head as the two approached her, chatter and students passing by. "Enjoying ourselves, are we," she asked, Harry and Y/N quick to try and make up an excuse. "I-I, uh, we had a free period this morning, professor," Y/N stuttered out, McGonagall giving a solid nod. "So I noticed. I would think you both would want to fill it with Potions. Or is it no lower your ambitions to become Aurors?"

     "It is, professor," Harry replied, "But I was told I had to get an 'Outstanding' in my O.W.L. and Y/N didn't get one either, so she was just hanging around with me and Ron—"

     "So you did, when Professor Snape was teaching Potions," she said smugly, "However, Professor Slughorn is perfectly happy to accept N.E.W.T.s students, with 'Exceeds Expectations'."

      Harry's mouth was slightly parted as he stood dumbfounded, Y/N nudging him in the elbow to get him out of his daze. "Fantastic," the girl said, "Um, we'll head there straightaway." McGonagall gave a curt nod before looking to Ron, the boy with a small smile. "Oh, good, good. (Y/L/N), Potter, take Weasley with you. He looks far too happy over there."

     "Right away, Miss McGonagall," Y/N called out to her, the two heading towards Ron. The girl rose her hand and gripped the redhead's robes, taking his sleeve in her grasp as she dragged him off the ledge and behind her and Harry. "Where are we going," he asked, Y/N giving him a small smirk. "We've got Potions, Ronnie."

     Ron let out a huff as he whined, "But I don't want to take Potions. There's Quidditch trials coming up. I need to practice." Y/N rolled her eyes at his whining as Harry snickered. "Well, Weasley, life isn't all sunshine and happiness. Now, come on, you big baby."


    Hermione and Sofia stood next to each other in Slughorn's classroom, both girls hugging a book to their chests as he talked. "Attention to detail in the preparation, is the prerequisite of all planning," Slughorn spoke, footsteps behind him making him turn. The class' attention was now brought to the three friends walking in, Harry and Y/N freezing in their spots as Ron stood awkwardly in between them.

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