chapter 25

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    Y/N closed the broom closet door behind them as they walked out, the bell being heard signaling that the next period was starting soon. Students were immediately seen filing out of each classroom, the corridor now being filled with chatter and many different faces.

    "Looks like we finished just in time," Y/N muttered, her and Hermione's hands interlocked. "Which class do we have next," she asked, looking to Hermione. The bushy-haired girl fixed her hair with her free hand, pushing a strand behind her ear. "Transfiguration, but I'm sure everyone else is already there, though."

    Y/N gave her a nod as she started to tug her through the hallways, making their way from the East Wing to the North. "We're still going to Three Broomsticks after school, right," Y/N asked, Hermione giving a nod. "Yeah, Brett and Sofia are coming, right?"

    "Mhm," Y/N hummed, the two girls making their way down a corridor towards the Transfiguration classroom. "Ron invited them, well, invited Sofia. Brett just likes to tag along. You know how he can be. By the way, you haven't found anything on the book Harry and I got, have you? Still don't know whose it is."

    Hermione shook her head, "Haven't found anything, it's becoming annoying, really," she grumbled, but Y/N only gave a soft laugh as they approached the classroom. "I'm sure you will, with your brain and all," she spoke, pressing a kiss to her cheek, resulting in a blush from the slightly shorter girl in response.

    The two girls walked into the classroom towards their desks, them being on opposite sides. Y/N took a seat between Brianne and Jenna as Karan, Brett, and Sofia all sat in front of them. Hermione's seat was across the room, next to Harry and a Hufflepuff as Corey and Ron sat behind them.

    "Where have you been? We looked for you all free period," Jenna asked as she sat down, Y/N looking between her and Brianne for a second as she placed her bag on the ground. She shrugged, "Prefect duties, some first years got lost. I had to help them to class." Brianne rose a skeptical eyebrow at her, "It's almost December, they don't know how to get there?"

    Taking out her quill and a piece of parchment, Y/N shot both of her best friends a side glare. "Maybe a little potion got slipped in their drink. If I do remember correctly, you were late to class for a week because you didn't know where you were going, Bri," she retaliated, earning a snicker from Jenna and a huff from the other. "Whatever."

    A clacking of a wand on a chalkboard brought the class' attention to the front, Miss McGonagall standing behind her desk with a bored look. "Nice to see you all again, but let's quite down for attendance, shall we," she asked, no one answering. She gave a hum as she took a seat at her desk, picking up a piece of parchment and quill.

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