chapter 10

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    "Mate, I think you both are barking mad."

     "Shut it, Cor," Y/N snapped, glaring the boy on the bed down, "We know what we heard. We literally were right above them." Harry nodded as he sunk back into his desk chair. "Honestly, we're telling the truth. Draco said something about not trying in Charms class next year. He even said he'd pitch himself off of the Astronomy tower if he had to continue coming to Hogwarts for another two years."

    "I wish he would," Jenna muttered, Y/N agreeing. "That's what I said," the girl replied with, Hermione sending her a scolding glance from her seat next to Harry on the floor. The group of friends were alone in Ron and Harry's dorm, the two cousins telling them about what had happened on the train. None of them seemed to buy it, though.

    "He could just mean he's transferring to another school," Sofia suggested. "Not likely," Y/N said with a scoff, "The Malfoys have been persistent with keeping family here for centuries. At least, that's what Dad told Harry and I. Why can't you all just accept the fact that he might be a Death Eater?"

    "Death Eaters aren't sworn in until after they finish their education," Karan spoke up, "I read it in a book my parents had in our library." Harry simply shrugged, "Alright, well what if he was sworn in before? It's possible they could've made him the youngest ever to be initiated for special purposes."

    "Harry, Y/N, come on, now," Brianne said with a sigh, "I highly doubt it was anything. Maybe Malfoy is just fed up with everything this year."

    "Honestly, let's not go jumping to conclusions now," Brett interjected. Y/N held a bored expression with her lips pursed together, her arms crossed over her chest. She sunk back into her seat on Ron's bed, Harry letting out a defeated sigh. "Look, all Y/N and I are saying is that we should keep an open mind to the idea. If it turned out he isn't, then he isn't. But we have a strong feeling something isn't right."

    No one said anything as Hermione let out a small sigh, standing from her spot on the floor next to Harry in his chair. "Fine, I'll try to keep an open mind." She walked towards Y/N on Ron's bed, sitting down next to her and placing her head on her shoulder. "We just don't want you two to get your heads wrapped around this idea so much. It'll only cause you both stress."

    Y/N let out a small exhale as she wrapped an arm around Hermione's waist, laying her head on top of hers. "We'll be fine, don't worry about us." The room fell silent as Jenna and Corey looked to the alarm clock on Harry's dresser. "It's getting late, we should probably head back. Classes start up tomorrow," Corey said, everyone agreeing as they stood. Harry and Ron muttered a 'goodnight' as everyone started to make their way to the door, the group walking out of the dorm.

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