Alpha&Omega (7/10)

Start from the beginning

3rd person POV
Jungkook pulled Taehyung closer to him, feeling how anger towards those Alphas built up inside of him. The small omega laid his hand on his mate's chest. "Koo... it's fine. Calm down please" The true blood looked down and kissed Tae's forehead. "I am sorry baby" There suddenly was a knock on the door, making the pregnant omega flinch hard. "Hey baby. Shhhh. He wouldn't come back when he doesn't have a death wish" Hoseok stood up and went there. Once he opened the door, he saw a fragile omega shivering strong. "Hey, how can I help you?" Before Hoseok even breathed out the omega fell in his arms numb, after mumbling a quiet 'help'. The alpha quickly pulled the omega in completely and closed the door. After that he picked him up bridal style and carried him in the living room. Tae gasped at the sight of the numb omega and jumped up from Jungkook's lap. Hoseok laid the limp boy on the couch. "What happened?!" - "He mumbled help before he passed out" Tae carefully laid his hand on the other boy's head. "He is ice cold" Yoongi now jumped up too, going up to the two too. The three alphas didn't understand anything. Jimin did. Omegas have to help each other. Even if they don't know one another. They feel their pain the second they are near each other. "God. Jiminie, can you bring a hot towel?" The Beta quickly nodded and run to the bathroom. Taehyung gently pulled the neck part of the omega's shirt down. "No mark... but he is reeking of another Alpha" He suddenly froze. Yoongi immediately knew what happened and pulled the younger omega away from the passed out one. The three Alphas just watched in confusion. Jimin came back with the hot towel. Yoongi grabbed it and laid it on the passed out omega's forehead. Tae was still frozen. That scent will forever hunt him. The oldest omega turned to the other boys. "You four are going to leave. Now" They wanted to protest but Yoongi pointed to the kitchen. "Out" With that the three Alphas and one Beta left to the kitchen. "H-hyung..." - "I know, Tae. Let's just hope it wasn't too late" The older pulled the younger in a small hug, eyes lingered on the passed out boy in front of them. "Oh? What are you four doing here?" - "Yoongi threw us out of the living room to help a passed out omega that asked for help" The oldest Beta knitted his brows together in confusion before just nodding. "Yoongi, I am scared. What if it is too late?" - "Don't think like that. Nothing will be too late yeah?" The small omega nodded lightly. Tears were rolling down Taehyung's cheeks. The omega in front of the got rejected and raped. And the two Omegas knew exactly who that rapist was. "I h-have to c-confront him" Tae stood up but his wrist got held by Yoongi. "Tae, you can't go now" - "Hyung, I have too" The pregnant omega snapped his wrist away and run out. "TAE!" Yoongi stood up but suddenly felt a weak tug on his shirt. He turned and saw the omega now awake. "P-please s-safe him..." - "I have to watch you or else you are going to.... die" Just that moment Jungkook came in, not seeing his mate. "Where is Tae?!" - "He just run out! You have to get him before something happens. Please Jungkook" The true blood didn't have to be told that twice and run out, shifting in his wolf form to run faster. Taehyung where are you?! The omega just ignored Jungkook's link and run faster. He tripped a few times until he came to that spot. The small omega froze as he saw some blood and sperm on the stone ground. His eyes scanned the area. They then landed on the person he was searching. The Alpha was already making his way towards the pregnant boy. "How could you?!" The taller boy just smirked. Oh how much Taehyung wanted to whip that smirk of off his face. "Oh well you know... he was pretty so why not?" - "YOU KNOW EXACTLY THAT HE COULD DIE NOW?!! HE GOT REJECTED AND YOU FUCKING KNOTTED HIM!!" To say the omega was just angry is an understatement. The tall Alpha stopped in front of the boy. "Don't scream at me, Taehyungie" He laid his hand on the Omega's cheek. "Shouldn't you be with your mate?" The male alpha looked at the baby bump of the omega. "FIRST TELL ME WHY YOU DID THAT!!" The omega pulled away from the touch. "Tell me why you raped him, MinSeok" The Alpha just stared at his ex bestfriend. "TELL ME!!" Taehyung already had tears in his eyes, scared that the omega at his home will die. When he didn't get an answer he started shaking his ex bestfriend. "Tell me!! Tell me!! Tell me, MinSeok!! TELL ME!!" He suddenly got grabbed by the shoulders, making him stop shaking the male in front of him. "Tell me, please!" Minseok looked down at him with a blank expression. "You wanna know?! YOU WANNA FUCKING KNOW WHY?!!" - "TELL ME!! TELL ME SO I CAN UNDERSTAND!!!" Taehyung's tears streamed down his face. "Do you know how it is to be rejected?!! I was rejected too!! Do you know how much it hurts?!!! DO YOU?!!! WHY DO YOU ALL JUST CARE ABOUT THOSE FUCKING WEAK OMEGAS?!!! I HAVE FEELINGS TOO!!!" - "BECAUSE OMEGAS-- we can die because of that MinSeok... you said it right, we are weak. We are also useless and dumb. But you... you Alphas can get through everything!! Do you know how it is to have a mate and there are still horny Alphas who try to take you?!!! Just earlier Baekhyun tried to take me!! Do you know how much that hurts?!!! I was attacked two fucking times!!! AND NOT ONCE I COULD FIGHT BACK!!! BECAUSE I AM WEAK!! THAT'S WHAT I AM!!" MinSeok stared at his former bestie. This time with small guilt in his eyes. "Please MinSeok. At least stay with him... he needs someone" The omega fell in the arms of the Alpha, his strength completely gone. His stomach hurted and at that point he knew he stressed out to much. "MinSeok, please. He will die if he doesn't have you... mate with him please. You both got rejected... you n-need each o-other" The pain got worse, making the omega wince. MinSeok pulled the omega closer, carefully sitting on the ground. "Tae, you have to breath in. Common, it's not good for the baby" - "B-babies" The Alpha softly brushed through the omega's hair. "It's fine. I promise I will be with him yeah? I just want that you and the pups are good" Jungkook was still running through the forest, trying to follow the already fainting scent of his mate. Yoongi carefully helped the hurt Omega up. "Are you okay? My friend just made some food. You have to eat" - "N-no, I don't want to steal your food. P-please" The older Omega cupped the hurt one's cheeks. "You have to eat. You are not stealing anything yeah? Common, I'll help you" Yoongi put his arm around the other omega's waist and helped him walk to the kitchen. The two betas and alphas looked at the two Omegas. "Sit here" The older omega sat the other on the chair. The others all watching cautiously. Suddenly the front door got slammed opened, making everyone flinch. In came a panting and frustrated Jungkook. He brushed through his hair in frustration. "Where is Taehyung?" His eyes went to Yoongi. "I didn't find him for fucks sake!!" The two Omegas flinched at the voice raise. "Where do you live, Taehyungie? I have to get you home" - "You will die if you bring me home now. I am sure my mate is angry i left" MinSeok sighed and picked Taehyung up bridal style. "Tell me. I will let you down in front of the house. I won't go in" Tae sighed heavily before giving the directions. They came to the house. MinSeok set Tae down and smiled at him lightly. "I promise to come back tomorrow and take care of him yeah?" - "Pinky promise" The two linked in their pinkies before MinSeok bid his goodbye and left. Shortly after that Tae breathed out in pain and carefully unlocked the door. Frustrated voices and the sounds of forks and knives on plates filled his ears. The pain in his stomach suddenly hit him just like that. He let out a yelp and fell to his knees, holding his baby bump carefully. Quick steps filled the house before Yoongi gently lifted the pregnant boy's head. "Tae, are you okay?" - "It hurts" Yoongi's eyes swayed to the baby bump. How it had the arm wrapped around it for security. How it grew those past months. His eyes were fixed on it, seeing how it moved a little bit. "They just kicked" Tae nodded and tiredly laid his head against the wall. "We should get you in bed" Jungkook came closer to Taehyung, only then smelling the other Alpha on him. He froze immediately. His eyes darkened at the thought of his mate with someone else. Yoongi noticed that and pulled Jungkook with him, to the kitchen. Hoseok sighed and carefully picked up Taehyung, ignoring the strong Alpha scent on him. The other four were just watching. Jimin of course held the hurt omega so he wouldn't fall. Hoseok came in the big room of the going to be parents and laid Taehyung on the bed. "With who were you? Jungkook doesn't like it at all" The Alpha softly brushed through Taehyung's hair, calming him just like times before. "I just spoke to.... my ex bestfriend who did that" - "Oh..." The young omega just nodded lightly and laid on his side, curling into a ball. Hoseok's hand rested on Taehyung's side, caressing it softly. "You know, you should be more careful. Jungkook gets extremely jealous. Especially now since you are carrying his pups" - "I know.... It's just that I had to make clear why MinSeok did such thing... He was just frustrated that he got rejected by his mate. He promised me he would take care of the omega downstairs.... Me and him promised we wouldn't let him die because of the actions of my ex best friend" The alpha sighed and nodded lightly before pressing a soft kiss on the hair crown of the pregnant omega. "I still remember how I stayed with you the night you got attacked... you looked like a lost puppy" Tae giggled at the memory and turned back, facing Hoseok. "I am happy you found me that time. Who knows what else would have happened" - "You should rest. Jungkook will come too and take care of you" The omega nodded and closed his eyes, leaning into the Alpha's touch as he patted his head. Please take care of him. And don't let anything happen... With that as a last thought, Hoseok quietly stood up and made his way to the others. "Jungkook listen to me! Tae was just confronting the Alpha about his actions! Him and I know the person who did all that to the omega! He wouldn't even let anyone he didn't know for years come near him!" - "Well he let Hoseok near him that time!!" Jungkook was angry. He was angry that his mate was with another Alpha. "That's because he was attacked!! Hoseok took care of him!! Jungkook, your mate would never leave you! He is scared of other Alphas if you forgot for fucks sake!!" The other four just sat in the living room, trying to ignore the screams of the true blood and omega from the kitchen. Seemed easier said than done. Hoseok came in the living room with a confused expression. Confused as to why his mate and cousin were screaming at each other. He sat down next to Jimin and laid his hand on the Beta's thigh. "Why are they screaming at each other?" - "Kooks is just really jealous. Yoongi tries to explain to him but well you know... True blood stubbornness" Namjoon shrugged. The oldest Beta turned to the omega. "What's your name by the way?" - "Oh! Uhh WinWin." Seokjin nodded. "How do you feel, WinWin?" WinWin's gaze went towards Namjoon. "Uhhh right now good... just scared" - "Why scared?" Jimin saw that the omega got uneasy and knew exactly why. He quickly spoke up. "Let's leave it like that. Do you have any siblings or family nearby?" - "Oh... not really. My sister was caught by some humans and I never got to meet my parents. They kinda abandoned me and my sister...." The others immediately felt sorry and smiled sadly. "You can live here... well if our 'leader' allows. But I am sure he wouldn't let you stray around the streets" WinWin smiled lightly. He finally felt safe again. He felt safe with those people. There then was a faint yelp from upstairs, making everyone shut up. Jungkook was the first to react and went to his and Taehyung's shared room with quick steps. He opened the door and saw his mate on the floor, holding his baby bump for security while wincing quietly. The true blood rushed there and laid his hand on the omega's shoulder. "Baby what happened?" - "I- I feel w-weird down t-there. I-it's wet" Jungkook's eyes glanced down to Tae's bottoms. There was indeed a big darker spot on his pants. "Pup, you have to breath in deep okay? I'll get you to the hospital" With that being said the Alpha picked up his mate bridal style and carried him downstairs in a hurry. The others watched in confusion and worry about their friend. Before one of them could ask anything, the two mates were out the door.

《《Stay tuned!!!💜💜💜💖》》

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