CHAPTER 14 Timeloop -Part 02-

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"Ratchet..... How many times did we end up repeating again? I lose counts...." Connor ask Ratchet, he lays on the floor, giving up while the book is cover up his face. Ratchet however still standing near his monitor doing his daily tasks, his face is showing tiredness. "Between 15 to 20, I lose the last count as well."

"Egh...." Connor let out his frustration, the book didn't help both of them. There's not clue leave for them to find and the time keep  repeating itself and it become more ridiculous for the first 10 times.

The time become repeat again when Connor is eating his breakfast, walking out the school door or sitting inside Bee with Raf. Is unbearable, sure. But finally they get some peace of what they deserve. Connor can finally talk to Ratchet after the 19 times of their restart. But nothing to discuss because of lack of clues their find.

"It seems like is not the decepticons doing, because it'll make no senses at all." Ratchet reply, and point a finger at Bulkhead who's about to break his tool. "And don't make any move or you'll break the tool that I need later!" Bulkhead stop walking  immediately and shocked by Ratchet's tone.

"Miko?" Connor call out the Japanese girl, she looks at him with confusion written on her face. "Answer is 8972, I forget to add the plus one last time. You're welcome." Miko looks into the paper, then Connor. "Whoa.... How do you know I was about to ask that?!" Jack and Raf had the same reaction as the girl, Connor take the book out from his face and face his friends.

"When you stack in a time loop, you'll do." Connor is tired as well, he put his hand on his head as a support. It is something I missed? Connor thought to himself, Ratchet stop doing his thing and face everyone. Everyone looks at him, confused by his action, expect for Connor of course.

"Groundbridge malfunction will coming in 3,2,1." After Ratchet finishing the countdown, a notification sound can been heard in the room. Everyone shocked, again. "Well..... Time to fix up the groudbridge, again." Ratchet walk off from the monitor and grab his tool box. It doesn't matter to both of them anyway, the time will still repeating itself with or without knowing it.

Connor eyes dot at the spell book he's holding, something reminded him about the words his grandfather leave him on his birthday letter. Something about..... More gifts for him to find.

Does anything of this connecting about all of this, it might be another spell book.... Because it leave me a cliffhanger about the book.... Connor thought to himself as he open up the last page of the spell book, it listed with another few chapters that doesn't show in the book he's folding. Among those chapters, one of them is about time spells and an enchantment relic. He told about Ratchet about it, the problem is just how and where they could find it.

Connor sigh, he remembers the old day where he'll hang out with his grandfather in his workshop...... Wait, that's it!! How can't I remember about that?! Connor thought to himself, his grandfather's workshop might be the next answer. Inside the workshop, there are tools and of course, ancient decorations like painting or vases. He pick up his phone, and start calling his father.

At the same time
_Liam's repair workshop_
"Thanks, Sunday!" Liam put the wrench inside the toolbox, his back face Sunday. "I don't know what to do without you." Sunday blush, she's fixing up the engine. Liam's phone start ringing, he immediately pick up the phone when he saw the ID.

"Hey, son. What's up?" Liam answer the phone, Sunday watch him  curiously. "Asked me about what ?" He coch his head to a side,  his eyes wild as he heard the question. "My dad's workshop?"

_Minutes later_
"Thanks, dad!" Connor hangs up the phone, his face replaced with a satisfied smile, Ratchet notice it. " What's the smile for?" Ratchet ask, he's done fixing the bridge. Connor walks up to Ratchet near the monitors, he start explaining.

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