CHAPTER 21 Body swapped day

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Is Thursday evening, the team has come back from school and is doing their homework. Jack, Miko and Connor having a fine conversation as they doing their homework, while Raf typing with his laptop and Elizabeth watching him as she stand beside the laptop. Ratchet is left to babysitting the humans again, as the others finally checking out the first decepticons activities for the past few weeks.

"Hmp, if I can be like Connor that would be great!" Miko whined, let the others looks at her confused, Connor title his head as he looks up from his homework. "Huh? What....Do you mean?" Connor asked, make Ratchet looks through them as Miko speaks up. "Well, you see~ Connor can easily use magic to deal with all sort of trouble, why even bother worry about homework and school?" Miko wave her hands dramatically, make the boys sweatdropped as Connor roll his eyes, sort of annoyed. "Well Miko, I can't easily make my problems go away you know?! I'm still a noob for heaven sacks!!"Connor compliant as he wave his hand dramatically like Miko, make her looks at him annoyed as she cross her arm.

"Says the one who had literally the power of God and doesn't need to worry about a war....."
"What did you said....?"
Ratchet accidentally slip the words out of his mouth, Ratchet don't know what's got into him as Connor start to stand up, slap the table hard enough to show he's angry. "Uh oh..." Raf whisper as he looks at pissed wizard with the other three, slowly walking towards his guardian. "" Connor demand Ratchet to repeat, the medic sigh and slowly turn thought him, annoyed.

"Says the one who had literally the power of God and doesn't need to worry about a war!" Ratchet said, louder as he slowly getting angry about this, Connor huff and glare at Ratchet, annoyed and angrily fired back his sentences to the medic. "Says the one who doesn't need to worry about normal!! I had to control myself so I don't accident hurt you!" Ratchet huff and roll his optic, cross his arm like Connor does. "Like you ever had to isolated yourself from the society!!" Ratchet said in annoyance as Connor stum his feet, a crack on the floor as his eyes and hands glow in red, anger filled both of them.

"Don't let me burn you to death, you motherf*cker....."
"I would love to see you try, you frager..."

"STOP IT!!! BOTH OF YOU!!!" Jack shouted as he stand between the two, pushing Connor back as he glare at both of them. "What's got into you both?! I know it has been rough for both of you for the past few weeks..... You don't had to blame the others for that don't you?" Jack said as he hope to send some senses into them, the duo clam down a little and huff at the same time, looks away from each other. "Alright, I think you both still mad at each other....But is better than killing each other's, right?" Jack said as he looks at the others. Miko, Raf and Lizzy shrug their shoulder, don't know how to react to that, Jack sigh tiredly and slap himself, don't know why he asked.

"Raf, I'm heading home with you tonight!" Connor said angrily as he walks away from Ratchet and Jack, heading to the younger ones, Jack glare at Ratchet and gave him the 'what give' looks to the medic, he just shrug his shoulder, don't know what's got into him, Ratchet watch Jack follow up his charge as Jack gave him the ' I'm watching you ' pointing fingers as he walks with his back. Ratchet roll his eyes tiredly and got back to his duty, hope he can forgot the fight by flooding himself with work.

_Hours later_
Autobot base
It's not working.... Ratchet thought to himself, as he still on the monitor duty with lights off. Is been couple hours after the humans left, Connor leaving him without saying goodbye like always, and he blame himself about hurting his charge feelings.

Maybe is my fault.... Ratchet thought. Yet again, if it wasn't for him I can at least worry about something else! Not like those magic nonsense....But... Ratchet stop himself as he remember what Connor had said long time ago.....

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