CHAPTER 23 The death of Elizabeth

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Is the next day, Connor was still in the hospital…with his friends as they all doing their assignment together. Is Friday evening, Raf decided to visit Connor, Miko and Jack thought it was a good idea and tag along with the boy. "Thank guys, I would love you to visit…without the assignment of course!" Connor joked as all of them chuckle, on the table Elizabeth who's inside her doll body, looking kinda sleepy as she boop her head, eyes slowly closes and opens again, try to stay awake. Raf noticed her, looks towards Connor as he asked. "What's happened to Lizzy?" Connor looks at Elizabeth, who sat on the table close to him.

"Oh…" Connor noticed as well, as all of their attention on the doll right now. "It might be cause by the sunlight." Connor said as he slowly get up, walks towards the window and close the curtain a little. After that, Elizabeth opens her eyes fully, return to old self as she walks around the table, grabbing Miko's pencil and plays with it. "If ghost get exposed to sunlight for too long, they're slowly get weak." Connor sat back down on his bed and pick up his pen, looks at Miko who tickle the doll as she took the pencil away from Lizzy.

The three of them chuckle as the doll smile with her eyes, trying to stop Miko from tickling but failed as the Japanese girl got the upper hand. Just then the door open, review not other than Ratchet who still in his human form, grab different beverages in his hand as he approach the kids. Everyone thanks him as he pass out the beverages to them, Miko grab the peach soda, Raf take the Sprite can, Jack take the cappuccino and Connor take the lemon tea, Ratchet open the can as he drink it, is the same lemon tea Connor has. All of them looks towards the medic, who gave them a raise eyebrow as he stop drinking. "What?" Ratchet asked, all of them just looks at the can.

"I thought you hate lemons…" Miko said, reminded the medic about the candy accident. The medic huff, blushed a little as he looks away from the kids. "Well… I seems to like the flavour, why? You had a problem with that?" Ratchet said with salt inside his tone, make Miko chuckle awkwardly and wave the medic off. "I'm surprised....Ratchet is still here with us..." "You sounds like I'm dead, Jake!" Ratchet cuts Jake as he glare at the boy, Jack is the seconds who chuckle awkwardly and the other two watches them, sweatdroped.

"You mean in human form?" Raf asked Jack, who nod as he looks at Raf. "Well, he did promise to stay while I'm still not okay..." Connor said as he put down his pen, looks at Ratchet who's drinking his lemon tea. "And you'll be out of this room tomorrow, I'll probably back into my old body again?" Ratchet said as he sound unsure. "You unsure about it?" Connor teased as the medic shrug his shoulder, holding his drink. "I don't know, magic is unexplainable remember?" Ratchet said as he glare at his charge, who smile back awkwardly at the medic. "That's remind me..." Miko said as she get closer to Connor, whisper to the wizard. "Don't you ever wonder if Lizzy remember her death?" Miko whisper as Connor looks at Lizzy, who begging a hug from Raf as the boy sigh and hugs the doll. This reminded him as well.....

"Did... Something bad happened?" The small girl nod her head. "Daddy leave.... Mommy. She's sad... So I stay." She answer quietly as she start hugging herself, Connor start worrying. "Did... Your mom beat you.... Or hit you?" Connor ask with concern, the girl sit still a bit then slowly nods her head. Connor shock, abused to death?! The answer float into his head all of the sudden.

Connor shivers and shake his head, he refuse to accept it if that was true, Elizabeth is too pure to die like this..... Connor looks at Lizzy with a slight of concerned in his eyes, watching the small doll interacted with his friend. Ratchet noticed the stare as he finishing up his lemon tea, throwing the box in the bin without looking as he continues examine his charge, wonder what's bother him.

Elizabeth's pov
The little girl slowly woke up, she examine her surrounding…she's not inside her doll body and is inside of her old house living room. "Mom…dad…?" Lizzy call quietly, walks around the living room as memory start flooding in, she knew this place…

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