CHAPTER 02 prime?

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"So... Some spell can only use it if you speak out loud the commend? Hm.... Can I shot lightning out of my hand?" Connor looks at his both hand, is 8 in the morning and he sat on the grass of his house small backyard that also connect to the car garage. A lot of thinking let him kinda sleepless, so he's gonna find something to do.

'Trying out new stuff for example.'

"Alright, enough complaining." Connor slap his hand together and look at the old book again "Is time for some experiment! It's not gonna end well, isn't it?"  Connor mumble the last part to himself and start his.... Experiment.

" Let's see here...... hmmm...let's try something less frightening." Connor start turning pages, he stop at the water spell. "This could work, start by drawing the symbol..." When he start following the line, his hand start glowing with a soft blue glow, as he finished the drawing, his hand glow brighter. "Water liberty!" Connor shout the spell....... And nothing happened.

"Nothing? Did I miss something? The hands do glow...." Connor looks at the book again and mumble the line again. "The spell can only be use if you're near the water.... How near? Where I can see the water?" Connor start look around the area, an idea flew over his head. "..... Is water pipe count?"

Connor open the garage door as he push it up, the book is between his armpit. "Found it!" He immediately grab the long tube and connect to the nearest water source that just outside the door. After he finished, he step a few step back and start drawing the symbol in mid air. He take a deep breath, "Here it goes, water liberty!" Again, nothing happened.

When Connor's about to give up, the water tube burst out a lot amount of water towards Connor and his dad's car. The water slowly stop and Connor start spite out the water in his mouth, he's so shock right now. All of his body, shirt and pants are all wet. The door opening creaks make Connor snap out of it.

"Connor...? What...Are....?" His dad greet him, ask the question as he looks at his all wet son. "Oh! Just... Washing your car dad, nothing bad happened!" Connor grab the sponge that lays on the  table and start drying up the window.

"Okay.....?" His father still sceptical about it but let it go anyway. "I just gonna ask you if you can do some groceries for me? The fridge is kinda empty,so....." "Yeah no problem dad, I can do that!" Connor smile forcefully and nod his head, the smile successfully make his dad feel uncomfortable. "I leave you to it, don't forget about the clothes!" His dad close the door slowly, after he leaved Connor let out a relief sigh. "Still got lots of surprises aren't we?"

On his road back to his house

Is 10.18 in the morning, Connor just did what his father asked, buying groceries. He's now grabbing a paper bag that full of items that his dad ordered, backpack laying on his back as he start walking home from the town of Jasper. He looks around the area, no purple cars in his sight. They give up? Just like that? Connor thought to himself,

'Still.... Need to be caree....! '

Before he can finish, he been pull by someone with his hoodie hood.

"Hey!!" Connor turn around as he meet his classmates, well one of them is. "Miko?! Raf?! What are....?" Before he can finish again, he been pull by the Asian girl with his hood.

'Man, she got the strength!'

"Raf?! What is happening?!" Connor ask the small boy, the boy looks... Worried. "We'll explain in the car." "We? That's more people into this?!" Connor ask again, kinda frightened. "You'll see!" Miko open the car door and push the confused boy inside, he nearly drop his groceries.

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