CHAPTER 28: Friend's visit

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Ayoooooo!! This chapter is for my man gilliprincess, and also for my Bayonetta fans out there!! Enjoy~ ;)

Autobot's base
It's a beautiful Saturday morning, too beautiful in fact make Connor's questioning his existence. He's now standing at the railing near Ratchet's monitor, watching the medic doing his daily job. The medic glare at his charge, which looks like he haven't slept for months, face showing nothing but tiredness.

Ratchet sigh, can't watches this any longer. "What's wrong?" Ratchet finally asked his charge, Connor slowly looks up at his guardian, still had the expression on his face. "I had another woman situation…" Connor said, let all of the others in the room rasing their eyebrow, confused.

"A woman… what?!" Miko said out loud as she stand on Bulkhead's shoulder, curious like the others. "Well…" Connor sigh, put his hands at his both hips, facing everyone. "Three days ago…" Connor started, remembering the accident.

3 days ago…
Connor's house(Living room)
"Dad…?" Connor call as he looks around the living room, Lizzy inside his bag as well, awe about the room. Why? Because it's clean as heck, not like before, the desk is sparkling and Connor swear that the floor had no dust on it, make both of the kids surprised.

"Dad!" Connor calls again as he rush into the kitchen, his father preparing breakfast for them. Connor start to feel anxious as he looks at the kitchen, sparkles as well. "Oh, hey Connor!" Liam greet his son cheerfully, Connor slowly walks to his dad and grab the man's shoulder, shaking it softly.

"What's got into you, dad?! Look… look how clean this is?!" Connor said like is impossible for Liam to get the house so clean, Liam roll his eyes, pushing his son's hands away and walks out the kitchen with their food in hand, bacon and egg, classic. But… Liam prepare an extra, which confused him as he follow his dad to the dinning table.

"Wait…" Connor stopped, looking dead at the table and slowly looks at his dad, who looks back at his son, rasing an eyebrow. "Are we having a guest?!" Connor said with a surprised look, Liam smile and continue to make the table. "Took you long enough!" Liam said as he place the final plate at the table, went back to the kitchen and grab the kettle filled with fresh coffee, Connor follows.

"W-what?! W-who?! Who is coming here?!" Connor start to paranoid a little, stutter to said anything as he follow his dad back to the table as Liam start poring the coffee into a cup, then another. "Well… this is why I don't want to tell you, you'll get nervous all of the sudden." Liam said as he roll his eyes again, putting down the kettle on the table and grab the sugarcube container, opening it.

"You know that I don't like guests!!" Connor grown a little as he threw his hands up, his dad just chuckles. "That's why I only tell you in the last minute! So you don't had anything to said about it." Liam said as he continues adding some sugarcube into the coffee, looking at his son with a smile.

"My friend came and visit, she willing to come instead of visit her in person." Liam said as he satisfied adding 10 cubes of sugar into the coffee, start sturing it, Connor looks at the cup, kinda surprised. "Wait… Her?! Is a girl?!" "Woman~!" Liam correct his son as he aim the spoon at Connor, the boy just roll his eyes, grown again.

"And she's staying too!" Liam said like is no problemo, Connor looks at his father, shock. "W-what?!" Connor shouted, shaking his father shoulder as he can't believe what he just heard. "Staying?! For how long?!" Connor asked, let go of his hand as his father roll his eyes again. "She said she got some…" Liam looks away from Connor for a moment. "Business to deal with, she'll stay as long as her done with her business ." Liam explain as Connor's jaw drop, can't believe what he just heard.

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